Rainkeeper: Air, did you get the rest of the questions?
Air: Yep, I think so!
Nightflyer: Then let's hear it.
Air: Generalliam0529 wants to know "Joy, do toy have a pet rancor? If not, I have a couple to spare, but it depends... On how big your pocket book is."
Joy: I've been TRYING to get a rancor, but I can't find anyone willing to give one to me. I'll take the biggest and best one you have, if you're offering. My pocket book is like Mary Poppin's- never ending.
Air: Dragobaguette asks "Would all the hosts willingly sit to watch a super long movie series (lets say, Star Wars) for example, that would take hours to watch, maybe even a few days?"
Seashell: YES.
Rainkeeper: Like literally all the time.
Kelp: One time we watched all the Lord of the Rings, then All Harry Potter, then all Star Wars in one setting.
*players appear*
Hosts: *laugh*
Joy: Yeah, no.
Moon: Can the rest of us leave if you're just going to be torturing Winter?
Nightflyer: No.
Joy: And actually, the only person being tortured today is me..... Well, more Kelp than me, cause I agreed to this and he didn't.
Kelp: Yes, this.... this is a very painful dare to watch....
Carnelian: I'm listening....
Joy: You all get to try and kill me today.
Rainkeeper: And you get revived over and over again until someone kills Joy.
Nightflyer: We know some of you might have some reservations about-
Players: *attack Joy*
Nightflyer: Or not.....
Seashell: Next question while Joy murders the Jade Winglet?
Air: CuteLittleMousie wants to know what I will do if Destiel doesn't become canon.
Air: Well, I'm glad you asked.
Air: Cry. Cry hard enough that the song 'story of a girl' will be about me, because YES, I WILL DROWN THE WORLD.
Air: And scream. Scream very VERY LOUD. Loud enough that Andrew Dabb himself WILL hear me and WILL know my rage and frustration.
Air: But do I think that Destiel will happen this season? Yes. There is so much subtext, and the fact that Jensen Ackles isn't denying it anymore, referred to Dean and Cas's fight as a domestic spat, and that Misha Collins literally spoke the words 'I'm trying not to say our characters are having sex' and then proceeded to tell the world that their safe word was Impala is all proof to me that Destiel will in fact become a reality.
Air: But if I'm wrong, then I will reach in, and give you a shard of my shattered heart as a reminder to never get your hopes up about anything. Deal?
Hosts:.... *takes a step away from Air*
Joy: *punches Winter in the face*
Winter: OW! You can't hit me! I'm a girl!

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2
FanfictionBook 2 of my T or D series! Submit a dare for anyone in the Wings of Fire series! This game is hosted by -Joy, the younger, more murderous Glorybringer dragonet who has her own squad and likes weapons. Feel free to sign up for it! -Air, eldest child...