Nine Deaths Part 5- Pear's Parents (Hosts)

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Shore: Some people want a spinoff book after LTCC.

Haze: A spinoff book?

Shore: yeah.

Haze: About WHAT?

Shore: I don't know.

*players appear*

Joy: Hey, wanna go free fall 48 feet?


Rainkeeper: No.

Kelp: That sounds terrifying, yet fun.

Joy: Kelp gets it.

Seashell: How many more of these cat dares do we have left?

Permafrost: Including this one? Two.

Seashell: *sighs* Okay.

Ember: But for nooooowwwww,

Ander: *snaps talons*

*Pear's parents appear*

Joy: Wait...Why are they-

Rainkeeper: MY TURN?

Ander: *turns Pear's parents into cats*

Ember: Yep.

Rainkeeper: YES!

Pear's father: For starters, what-

Rainkeeper: I've been waiting several years to do this.

Rainkeeper: And I don't care if you land on your feet because you're cats.

Rainkeeper: THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!!!

Rainkeeper: *dropkicks them off the mountain*

Joy: *applauds*

Pear's Parents: *fall, die, respawn*

Rainkeeper: Cue the music.

Shore: *clicks on boombox*

*Dumb Ways to Die starts playing*

Set fire to your hair

Rainkeeper: *lights Pear's mother on fire*

Poke a stick at a grizzly bear

Rainkeeper: *unleashes a grizzly bear on Pear's father*

Eat medicine that's out of date

Rainkeeper: *pours expired medicine down Pear's mother's throat*

Use your private parts as Piranha baitDumb ways to die
so many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie
so many dumb ways to die
Get your toast out with a forkDo your own electrical work

Rainkeeper: *electrocutes Pear's father*

Teach your self how to fly

Rainkeeper: I believe you can fly!

Rainkeeper: *throws Pear's mother off the mountain again*

Eat a two week old unrefridgerated pie

Rainkeeper: Eat the pie.

Pear's father: *cries and eats the expired pie*

Air: Lucifer rises because Dean wanted pie.

Nightflyer: We know.

Air: Dude. PIE.

Nightflyer: I know.

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