All Eyes On Winter (J.W.)

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Rainkeeper: It's the twenties again, and I think that means we have a lot to look forward to if history does that thing where it repeats itself.

Nightflyer: Good music, hopefully.

Air: Epic outfits.

Joy: World War and strikes.

Kelp: Economic collapse and tariffs.

Seashell: Gangsters.


Joy: We're gonna have a fun time.

*players appear*

Carnelian: Hang on, me and Amber are gonna try and break a world record.

Air: Ooooo, what one?

Amber: Longest sigh, since we all have long suffering sighs when we come here.

Air: Oh.

Amber/Carnelian: *inhale*

Amber/Carnelian: *starts sighing*

Winter: Are you turning me back into a boy today? PLEASE SAY YES!!!

Nightflyer: Sorry buddy, it's only the 166th part. You've got a lot of suffering left.

Winter: I hate you.

Joy: We know.

Nightflyer: We've always known.

Kinkajou: What are you torturing Winter with today?

Winter: How do you know they're torturing ME??

Kinkajou:....Lucky guess?

Kelp: Well you're right.

Kinkajou: KNEW IT!

Seashell: I mean, I wouldn't say we're TORTURING him.

Joy: He just has to sing.

Winter: NO!

Rainkeeper: Why?

Kelp: What's wrong with singing?

Moon: His voice is getting girlier the longer he stays a girl.

Winter: MOON!

Moon: So instead of the deep singing voice he used to have, 


Qibli: Now he sounds like a Disney Princess.

Winter: You're both dead to me.

Qibli: Oh no! *coughs dramatically and falls to the ground*

Turtle: Qibli? You okay?

Qibli: No! Didn't you hear him? I'M DEAD!

Winter: *scowls*

Winter: What song am I singing?

Air: You're gonna sing "All Eyes on Me" while I daydream about 1940's Dean Winchester and the other hosts listen to 1920's music because that song has SUCH A 1920's vibe to it.

Moon: You guys listen to 20's music?

Joy: Well....more like listening to the Cell Block Tango and Postmodern Jukebox 20's covers on repeat....

Kelp: And Crazy=Genius by P!ATD

Nightflyer: So yeah- 20's music.

Winter: *sighs*

Carnelian/Amber: *still sighing, glare at Winter*

Turtle: *hisses*

Kinkajou: *loud screech*

Qibli: What-

Kinkajou: I don't know, we were just all making weird noises.

Kelp: *clicks on boombox*

*music starts*

Winter: Long long time ago,
I had my own little show.
Was a beautiful,

Air: HA!

Winter: But he took the spotlight, shining so bright.
Left me to fade away.
But honey now the turn is mine!

Joy: Wait, this is starting to make sense for Winter, that's weird.

Winter: A devil made from heaven.
Sent from above.
Looks like Henry's got a little date, let's have some fun!

Air: *hits Nightflyer's arm*

Nightflyer: What?

Air: Devil made from heaven... Lucifer was from heaven, and so was Metatron, and they were both devils... HENRY'S got a little date, Henry WINCHESTER-

Nightflyer: Air, no.

Winter: We got 'lots to do little errand boy.
Come to me at cloud nine.
To be the perfect angel, some sin must be done!

Air: Oh, you have no idea

Winter: Yooooou told me what to do, and what to say, I couldn't escape!


Kelp: Why?

Nightflyer: It's talking about his life in the Ice Kingdom and his family!

Nightflyer: They always gave him orders and he couldn't leave-

Winter: You got to choose the ending of my fate, you put me astray!

Nightflyer: And after Hailstorm was captured, he was thrown astray! They chose his path in life.

Winter: But not anymore!
I'm in control!
I have the stage, you can't turn the page!
Now all eyes on me!
All eyes on me!
Ba-da bap bap, bap bap ba doo ba duh.
So many experiments, so many mistakes.
But I'll go all the way, till I'm in perfect shape!
First the worst, maybe third's the charm.
So close, oh I cannot wait!
The demon won't taint me now 'cus, you're the sacrifice he'll slay.
Yooooooou said I wasn't good enough to stay, you put me away!

Nightflyer: They always said he wasn't as good as Hailstorm, that he had to be the best,

Winter: Yooooooou took away my future and my fame, but now it will change!

Nightflyer: ONLY for them to rob him of the title he achieved and give it to Hailstorm!

Winter: Focus on me!
I'll be all that they see!
I'll make them sway, no, can't run away!
Now all eyes on me!
You, don't know what it's like to drown away, in a puddle of shame.
You, yes you, made me INSANE!
But not anymore!

Nightflyer: They drove him insane by shaming him for his mistakes, but now he's taking charge.

Winter: I'm in control! (I am in control!)
I have the stage, you can't turn the page!
Now do as you're told.
(Encore, hit the beat boys)
Focus on me!
I'll be all that they see!
I'll make them sway, no, can't run away!
Now all eyes on me!
Now all eyes on,

Nightflyer: And now he's free.

Kelp: Woah.

Joy: We should analyse the songs chosen for the players more.

Nightflyer: YES.


Rainkeeper: You can't stop us.

Joy: Nobody can.

*Hosts and players leave*

*three hours later*

Carnelian: *stops sighing and gasps for air*

Amber: YES! I WIN!

Carnelian: *shoves her*

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