Ander Tries To Put Together A Band Of Crackheads (Both)

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Joy: We have a special treat for y'all today.

Air: Yes we do YES WE DO!

Nightflyer: Air, calm down.

Air: NOOOOO *climbs on top of a fridge*


Joy: The following dare was written by A DIFFERENT SCAVENGER AUTHOR.

Rainkeeper: That's right, the program you are about to see was written by our good friend ActiveArtist

Nightflyer: And the dare itself was inspired by the ramblings of our crazy Discord Channel.

Kelp: We're thinking of having a collab chapter in the next book, thoughts?

Joy: Basically, we would give you all a dare, and everyone can pick a character to write for, and you can all write the chapter together!

Air: I think that'd be cool.

Joy: Well then this chapter can we a test run. Without further ado, we give you,


******* {Fancy Star Break as Authors Switches} ******

Ander: *rushing around and trying to get things set up*

Nightflyer: *carries an unhealthy amount of sheet music and ibuprofen into the room*

Air: Nightflyer, give up the pills.

Nightflyer: Air, get off the fridge.

Air: *pouts* You're no fun.*jumps off fridge*

*players, Macaw and Faithbringer appear*

Kinkajou: Yes.

Winter: No.

Kinkajou: YES

Winter: NO

Kelp: What are you guys arguing about?

Kinkajou: Whether or not OwO would be a good last name.

Joy: *wheeze*



Air: Wouldn't it be the best name? OwO? Think about it- 'Winter OwO'

Winter: . . .

Ander: Let's get started. What instruments can you play?

Clay: *raises hand* Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Ander: *rolls up a stack of sheet music and hits Clay over the head with it* NO.

Joy: There's no good instruments here.

Clay: *picks up trombone* *tries playing a note on it* This thing sounds like someone farting. This is mine now.

Peril: Oh dear god...

Clay: *tries playing while moving slide around carelessly*

Tsunami: *gets hit in the head with the trombone slide* WATCH IT.

Joy: *grabs another trombone* A weapon and something that amuses children. Nice.

Winter: I'm not fucking doing this.

Rainkeeper: I'm afraid to say you have no choice sir. Excuse me, I mean ma'am.

Winter: I swear....

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2Where stories live. Discover now