Be. More. CHILL. Act 2 (Both)

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A/N: The Jar of Sorrow was named by @darthfalence BTW, and a reminder that I OWN NOTHING RELATED TO BE MORE CHILL. 

Rainkeeper: A reminder of the cast in case you need it.

JEREMY HEERE - awkward high school junior {Qibli}
CHRISTINE CANIGULA - high school theatre girl, sweetly dorky {Moon}
MICHAEL MELL - Jeremy's music-obsessed best friend {Turtle}
JAKE DILLINGER - high school awesomeness personified {Winter}
RICH - five feet five inches of teenage bully {Deathbringer}
CHLOE - the hottest girl in school, crass and confident {Umber}
BROOKE - the second hottest girl in school, insecure {Kinkajou}
JENNA ROLAN - the girl who knows everyone's business {Sunny}
JEREMY'S DAD - never wears pants {Clay}
MR. REYES - drama teacher {Starflight}
SCARY STOCKBOY - scary stockboy {Peril}
THE SQUIP - the supercomputer in Jeremy's head {Carnelian}

*Curtains rise on Scene 1*

*It's the day before Halloween, and everyone is getting ready for Jake Dillinger's party*

Kinkajou: Picked out a costume for tonight
Made sure to get a size that was a lot too tight
You can kind of see my business
But I'll act like I don't know

Winter: I got a condom

Umber: And a flask

Deathbringer: I stole my older brother's Jason mask
And I don't have a machete but a loaf of bread will do

All: Ooh

Qibli: *dresses up like a cyborg*

Carnelian: Tonight's the night. This is what we've been working towards. Are you ready?

Qibli: *in a robot voice* Affirmative. 

Carnelian: *glares*

Qibli: I mean... I got this.

*cut to the Halloween party*

Winter: Who's ready for my Halloween party?
Everybody's got a red Solo cup
Fill it up, fill it up
Hear the beer spill on the ground
Everybody's all like "'Sup!
Yo man, 'sup!
Let's catch up!
Let's smoke up!
Look how many drinks I've downed!"
Every single song's all like "Whoop!"
They're all "Whoop!"
We're like "Yup
Turn it up!"
As we stumble to the sound

All: 'Cause a Halloween party's a rad excuse
To put your body through mad abuse
And I might pass out but it's alright
'Cause I'm Halloween partyin' hard tonight
It's Halloween!
It's Halloween!

Qibli: *walks in, Brooke lights up at the sight of him*

Kinkajou: Jeremy! I was afraid you weren't coming, did you get my messages?

Carnelian: Play it off

Qibli: Am I late? I didn't even realize

Kinkajou: *looks crushed*

Kinkajou: Well, what do you think of my costume? I figure, you always see sexy cats, but no one ever goes as a sexy dog

Qibli: Oh, its...

Carnelian: Vague compliment

Qibli: Original. I mean amazing! Seriously, I can't believe I'm with a girl who looks like you

Kinkajou: Chloe said it was dumb...You need a drink! *runs off*

Qibli: Did you see the look on her face? She thought I stood her up!

Carnelian: And she was so excited when she realized you hadn't. People want what they don't have. Look who's here.

Qibli: *looks over to see Christine arrive and head for Jake*

Moon: Sorry I'm late.

Winter: I didn't even realize.

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