Facaw Jelp Drugs (J.W.)

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Joy: That moment when you have a character that you KNOW is gay, but everyone thinks he's straight, so you're not sure whether to make him straight or keep him as gay.

Air: Hello. Eric Kripke. How may I assist you today?



Nightflyer: It's not gonna happen.

Air: No, I think I have found a way in.

Nightflyer: Okaaaaay.

Air: Misha's on board, right? But Jensen isn't. But if we get someone that Jensen really cares about to convince him......

Nightflyer: What are you talking about?

Air: I'm talking about bribing Jensen's adorable daughter so that she'll ask him to make Destiel canon.

Nightflyer:......Would......Would that work?

Air: You tell me.

Air: You tell me

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Nightflyer:.....We've found a way.

*players appear*

Winter: *sighs* Not again.

Qibli: Our sexualities are confusing enough- leave us alone!

Joy:.....Why is THAT the thing we're associated with?

Qibli: *shrugs*

Seashell: Anyways.... *snaps talons*

*Kelp, Macaw, Faithbringer, Shore, Rin, and Ander appear*

Joy: Kelp! 

Kelp: Hey Joy.

Joy: Oh this'll be fun- AW, COME ON! Why does HE have to he here? *points at Macaw*

Macaw: Oh, so your children and Faithbringer are fine, but I'M the awful one?

Joy: Yep.

Kelp: Completely.

Shore: You're a horrible person.


Ander: You're on my list of dragons to string cheese.


Macaw: So your entire family hates me. Got it.

Rainkeeper: Yeah, you suck.

Macaw: But WHAT did I even DO?

Joy: *growls*

Ander: String cheese time?

Kelp: Sorry, sweetie. The only ones allowed to string cheese him are me and your mother.

Ander: But it's FUN!

Joy: But we're more angry at him then you!

Ander: *sulks* Fine.

Winter: Soooo, what are we doing today and why does it involve these incompetent rejects?

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