Nightflyer: You guys ever heard of a book called House of Leaves?
Air: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, no.
Joy: Nope.
Seashell: Never.
Kelp: What's that?
Rainkeeper: I... vaguely know it?
Nightflyer: It's freaking WEIRD, man.
*players appear*
Deathbringer: *smiles*
Deathbringer: So! How's Pennywise?
Tsunami: *punches Deathbringer in the face*
Glory: THANK you.
Deathbringer: You broke my smolder!
Sunny: GOOD.
Turtle: Please tell me whatever we're doing today does not involve murdering scavenger scary clowns.
Rainkeeper: Well, no promises...
Seashell: Let's see what we have for today! *grabs dare from jar*
Players: *cringe in anticipation*
Seashell: You all get Pokemon and are going to battle!
Players: *sigh of relief*
Joy: But the losers get killed by their loved ones while their parents watch.
Players: *scream*
Starflight: I swear to three moons, playing this game is like looking both ways before you cross the street only to get hit by an airplane.
Moon: FACTS.
Kinkajou: FICTION.
Moon: What?
Kinkajou: Stranger than fiction.... Stranger than FANFICTION-
Nightflyer: That's a great book.
Rainkeeper: Alright, hopefully our limited knowledge on Pokemon will be enough to get us through this.
Air: and by limited, we mean that we watched Detective Pikachu, and that's about where our knowledge ends.
Joy: Favorite Pokemon, go. Mine's Psyduck.
Air: Bulbasaur.
Kelp: Squirtle.
Seashell: Charmander.
Rainkeeper: Pikachu, duh.
Nightflyer: Jigglypuff.
Air: Isn't there one called Mewtwo?
Kelp: And that's it, that's all the Pokemon we know.
Nightflyer: WAIT, isn't there one that can morph into all sorts of different things, like a shapeshifter? I think its name starts with S?
Air: Oh yeah! Squishy or something. It's like a pink blob?
Nightflyer: Yeah! That one.
Joy:...... I have no idea what its name is.
Nightflyer: No clue either, oh well.
Seashell: So we're gonna use a random Pokemon generator, and put those on the wheel.
Air: So you get to spin two wheels! One for who you'll battle, and one for your Pokemon.
Rainkeeper: Clay, you start.

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2
FanfictionBook 2 of my T or D series! Submit a dare for anyone in the Wings of Fire series! This game is hosted by -Joy, the younger, more murderous Glorybringer dragonet who has her own squad and likes weapons. Feel free to sign up for it! -Air, eldest child...