Nine Deaths Part 4- Scarlet (Hosts)

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A/N: I'm in the above video, in case you're interested. It's the third YouTube video I'm in, but the only one where I actually say anything. 

*players appear*

Haze: So we went to the beach-

Air: *nails her in the skull with an iron*




Air: The seagulls took Crowley.

Air: They're ruling hell now.

Air: It's Seagull Hell.

Joy: Wonderful. Can Seagull demons help in my battle?

Air: You'll have to ask them.

Joy: I did. All they said was MINE.

Air: That's their language.


Shore: Alright, you guys know the drill by now. Nine chances to kill the cat version of your enemy.

Ember: IT's Air's turn this time.

Air: Really? YAY! Who do I get to kill?

Ember: Scarlet.

Ander: *snaps talons*

*cat Scarlet with half melted face appears*

Air: *screeches*

Scarlet: What did you do to me?!?! DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I A-

Air: Rainkeeper, can I borrow some Rainwing venom?

Rainkeeper: Yep. *hands her a bucket*

Air: *dumps the bucket on Scarlet*

Scarlet: *screams, dies, respawns*

Air: Okay, I'm gonna have some fun with this one.

Air: Nightflyer?

Nightflyer: *clicks on boombox*

*White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane starts playing*

Scarlet: *starts trying to run away*

*suspense builds*

Air: *stabs Scarlet*

Scarlet: *screams, dies, respawns*

Air: Here, read this. *throw Twist and Shout at her*

*two hours later*

Scarlet: *crying*

Scarlet: *pitches self off cliff and dies*

Rainkeeper: how-

Air: It's very powerful.

Air: Wait a minute, we're writing this on a Tuesday!

Rainkeeper: But it's Wednesday now.

Air: Eh, close enough.

*Heat of the Moment starts playing*

Scarlet: *gets hit by a car*

Scarlet: *repsawns*

Air: Here Scarlet, have some food.

Scarlet: Do these tacos taste funny to you?

Scarlet: *dies and respawns*

Air: *kills Scarlet with an ax*

Joy: Aww, so cute and brutal.

Nightflyer: She's adorable.


Joy: That's cute. 

Scarlet: *respawns*

Haze: Wait, okay, let's figure this out while Air keeps killing Scarlet.

Air: *revs chainsaw*

Air: Okay!

Shore: Looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll.

Permafrost: Haze.

Haze: WHAT???

Rainkeeper: I was gonna say Ember and Kelp.

Joy: True.

Shore: Looks like they're a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you.

Ander: Me.

Seashell: And Rainkeeper.

Rainkeeper: I'll take it.

Shore: Looks like they could kill you, and could actually kill you.

All: JOY.

Joy: And Haze...

Shore: Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll.

Nightflyer: Air. Definitely Air.

Ember: and Permafrost.

Permafrost: BUT-



Air: *decapitates scarlet*

Scarlet: *dies and respawns*

Haze: Last one.

Air: Oh, okay.

Air: Hey Scarlet, I know a way for you to become the prettiest cat dragon in Pyrrhia.

Scarlet: Wait, REALLY?

Air: Yep! It's completely foolproof.

Scarlet: HOW????

Air: *takes her to a crossroads*

Crowley: Hello Darling.

Air: Hi Crowley!

*ten years later*

Scarlet: *is killed by hellhounds*

Joy: Speaking of crossroads....

Rainkeeper: We got Robert Johnson on vinyl. AWESOME.

Nightflyer: Don't sell your soul.

Air: Not even to make Destiel canon?

Nightflyer: Go back, watch season 7 and 8. Dean's grief over Cas? Cas's endless willingness to save Dean, even when he's not sane?

Air: They're so canon at this point they might as well just kiss and be done with it. 

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