Air: Sooooo, how was everyone's Valentine's Day?
Seashell: Another depressing reminder of how unloved I am.
Air: Oh come on, Seashell, surely you got ONE valentine!
Seashell: Yes, I got ONE. It was an email from Walgreen's.
Rainkeeper: What about you, Air? Did you have a nice Valentine's Day?
Air: Of course! Nightflyer always makes a ton of plans on it.
Nightflyer: Well no duh. I'm a hopeless romantic, and Valentine's Day is the day when you allow me to spoil you.
Air: It's the best day.
Nightflyer: Hell yeah.
Seashell: I hate Valentine's Day.
Rainkeeper: I know.
*players appear*
Air: Hey Umber?
Umber: Yeah?
Air: Remember how you told me you'd make Dean Winchester really gay so that Destiel would sail?
Umber: Ah, of course. How's that going?
Air: I think you tookit a little too far.
Air: Look.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Umber: Oh......
Umber: Still hot though.
Air: Change him back.
Umber: But.... tank tops....
Air: We'll talk later.
Turtle: So, what's today's dare, other then Umber making more people gay?
Umber: Oh, thanks for the reminder. Qibli, Winter, if you would.
Winter:......I hate you. SO MUCH.
Qibli: Don't hate on Umber, he was just releasing your inner self.
Winter: No he wasn't-
Qibli: *kisses Winter*
Qibli: Still hate him?
Joy: Speaking of Moon.
Moon: Oh no.
Umber: Are my gay powers needed?
Seashell: That might be helpful actually, yeah.
Umber: Yay! Moon you're gay!
Moon: Why....

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2
FanfictionBook 2 of my T or D series! Submit a dare for anyone in the Wings of Fire series! This game is hosted by -Joy, the younger, more murderous Glorybringer dragonet who has her own squad and likes weapons. Feel free to sign up for it! -Air, eldest child...