Nightflyer: I....I don't know if I can watch this dare.
Joy: Well, you're going to have to.
Nightflyer: But.....BUT-
Rainkeeper: No buts.
Joy: Too bad.
Air: Hey guys! Wazzup?
Seashell: Oh, nothing.
Air: What dare are we doing today?
Joy: Oh just some singing.
Air: Okay!
*players appear*
Nightflyer: I can't believe how easily you lied to her.
Joy: It's pretty easy.
Rainkeeper: Alright everyone. Prepare to go to hell.
Tsunami: Done.
Deathbringer: Totally done.
Peril: I did that years ago.
Fatespeaker: One sec...........Okay, ready.
Seashell: Okay, DARE TIME.
Starflight: Hey Air, I heard the writers of Supernatural went on strike.
Air: Okay, that just means we'll have a shorter season again, like season 3.
Starflight:.....I heard they all quit.
Air: Then the fandom will write the show.
Starflight:......I heard every Supernatural fanfiction in the world died.
Air: Good, then no one can suffer the pain of T and S anymore.
Starflight:........I lose! NEXT?
Fatespeaker: Misha Collins died.
Air: WHAT?!?!?! NO!!!!! HE COULDN'T HAVE!!!!
Fatespeaker: Yeah, he got killed by some dude named Virgil.
Air: Oooooooh, that was the French Mistake episode! Misha's fine.
Fatespeaker:.....No, seriously, he's dead.
Air: Nah, he just posted something. His Mishamigos would know if he died.
Fatespeaker:.....FAIL! NEXT!
Sunny: *starts crying*
Air: What's wrong?
Sunny: I just realized that the only ship SPN had a chance of sailing was Sabriel, and that can't happen anymore because Gabriel's dead, and Destiel will NEVER be canon because Jensen Ackles is too big a jerk about it!
Air: I KNOW IT'S AWFUL!!!!!! *Starts crying*
Joy: Current winner, Sunny.
*five minutes of crying later*
Clay: Air, there's no more popcorn left in the world.
Air: What? How?
Clay: Because cows ate all the popcorn, and I ate all the cows. So now there's no more popcorn, and no more cows to eat it.
Air: Oh, Clay, I'm so sorry. I know how much you love cows.
Clay: It gets worse. The last cow slipped out of my talons, and it accidentally fell through all of space and time and killed your children.

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2
FanfictionBook 2 of my T or D series! Submit a dare for anyone in the Wings of Fire series! This game is hosted by -Joy, the younger, more murderous Glorybringer dragonet who has her own squad and likes weapons. Feel free to sign up for it! -Air, eldest child...