Joy: Air, I gotta hand it to ya. Avril Lavigne is pretty great.
Air: I knew you'd like her.
Joy: She did a version of Nickelback's 'How You Remind Me'- AMAZING.
Rainkeeper: HA! You like NICKELBACK?
Nightflyer: Nickelback? You got me NICKELBACK?
Joy:.....Fight me.
Air: What do people have against Nickelback? I don't understand.
Joy: I like they're just the next Barry Manilow.
Rainkeeper/Nightflyer: BARRY MANILOW?!?!?
Rainkeeper: Hate that guy.
Nightflyer: Totally.
Seashell: We're going to a Barry Manilow concert, right?
Rainkeeper: Hell yes.
*players appear*
Clay: Yo.
Seashell: Soy.
Clay: Soy sauce?
Rainkeeper: Low sodium soy sauce!
Joy: We're murderers!
Nightflyer: This is why we don't say Yo.
Fatespeaker: So, what are we doing today? More kissing?
Seashell: Yep.
Tsunami: More killing?
Air: Yep.
Glory: Great.
Joy: Congrats Tsunami!
Tsunami: Uh, NO. Whatever honor it is, give it to Riptide first so I know its safe.
Riptide: What am I? Your poison tester?
Tsunami:......Why did my mother never use you for THAT job?
Riptide: Because she didn't want me to have food.
Tsunami: Still though, she's been nearly poisoned 32 times.
Joy: Well, if that irony, I don't know what is.
Seashell: HMMMM, I WONDER who could have poisoned her that many times!
Joy: Hey, back off, the sarcasm belongs to me.
Nightflyer: Tsunami, you have to play Kiss, Marry, Kill.
Tsunami: What's that?
Joy: It's a game where you're given three people, and you have to decide which one to kiss, which to kill, and which to marry.
Tsunami: Got it.
Nightflyer: And for the sake of this dare, kisses will last for a minute, kill will be done in Scarlet's battle arena, and you can divorce whoever you marry after a day.
Tsunami: Kay. Who's my people?
Hosts: *starts laughing*
Tsunami:.......So.....Not Riptide, then.....
Seashell: *snaps talons*
*Morrowseer, Kestrel, and Dune appear*
Peril: Mother!

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2
FanfictionBook 2 of my T or D series! Submit a dare for anyone in the Wings of Fire series! This game is hosted by -Joy, the younger, more murderous Glorybringer dragonet who has her own squad and likes weapons. Feel free to sign up for it! -Air, eldest child...