Shore: Small children say weird things sometimes.Ander: Only 2, and already learning witchcraft. Delightful.
*players appear*
Air: Been bingeing Supernatural again.
Air: I forgot how much I liked season 7, when everyone we loved was still alive and they still attempted to talk about their emotions.
Nightflyer: Been bingeing A Very Potter Musical again.
Nightflyer: Forgot nothing, it's too epic to forget anything.
Ember: HI AGAIN.
Joy: Why do we keep letting you guys host?
Permafrost: Because we're AWESOME, SO HA!
Air: How does that fill you with awe?
Nightflyer: What?
Air: Sorry, seriously. Been bingeing supernatural so much....
Air:.....Wait, what day is it?
Joy: What week is this?
Nightflyer: Who am I, Hedwig?
Ander: *snaps talons*
*cat version of Faithbringer appears*
Ember: Nightflyer! Nine lives. End them all any way you want.
Nightflyer: Wonderful. *pulls out a wand*
Nightflyer: Avada Kevadra!
Faithbringer: *dies*
Faithbringer: *respawns*
Air: I.... I didn't think you knew the killing curse.
Nightflyer: I know lots of curses. SECTUMSEMPRA!
Faithbringer: *slowly dies and then respawns*
Faithbringer: Can you NOT kill me Harry Potter style???
Nightflyer: All I hear is meow meow meow. *drops an anvil on Faithbringer*
Rainkeeper: Acme style. Nice.
Kelp: MEEP MEEP *runs away*
Nightflyer: *shoves Faithbringer through the veil from Order of the Phoenix*
Faithbringer: *respawns*
Faithbringer: Okay, that one was dumb.
Nightflyer: If it's good enough for Sirius, then it's GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU. *shoots her with a tommy gun*
Haze: Where did she go?
Joy: She's over there, over there, and up there.
Faithbringer: *respawns*
Ember: Only four left.
Nightflyer: Oh, I got a good one. *locks Faithbringer in a cat carrier and gives everyone else sound proof headphones*
Nightflyer: *puts on a playlist of nothing but Justin Bieber songs*
Faithbringer: *screams bloody murder and eventually dies*
Joy: That one was especially creative, I liked it.
Faithbringer: *respawns*
Nightflyer: *shoves her in a cage full of hungry dogs*
Faithbringer: *screeches and dies and respawns*
Nightflyer: *hands everyone a knife*
Nightflyer: Caser style.
All: *stabs Faithbringer*
Faithbringer: Et tu, Brute? *dies*
Faithbringer: *respawns*
Nightflyer: Ander, I might need your assistance for this one. *whispers plan to her*
Ander: Ah, that can be arranged.
Ander: *snaps talons*
Faithbringer: *appears on a ship*
Faithbringer: What? What's this?
*ship is completely deserted*
Faithbringer: *glances at side of ship for a name*
*Ship is called the S.S. Moonstalker, and is surrounded by fifty other WOF ships*
Faithbringer: Oh crap.
S.S. Moonstalker: *is utterly annihilated by cannons from every other ship then attacked by a kraken*
Air: I think that's been my favorite cat death so far.
Joy: Nah, the Boondock Saints reference is still mine.
Nightflyer: You guys ready for your cat death dares?
Air: Definitely.
Rainkeeper: Got it all worked out.
Kelp: Same.
Haze: I hope no one calls the ASPCA on us for these cat death dares.
Shore: Can..... Can they do that?
Ander: Maybe?
Joy: Well then shit. RUN!
All: *runs away*

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2
FanfictionBook 2 of my T or D series! Submit a dare for anyone in the Wings of Fire series! This game is hosted by -Joy, the younger, more murderous Glorybringer dragonet who has her own squad and likes weapons. Feel free to sign up for it! -Air, eldest child...