Meteor Garden { like the drama's where they sleep naked? }

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( Daoming Si POV )

Shancai words scared me.

" But it's a blizzard out there." Mei Zuo raises his voice. " She could die if she can't find her way home,"

I hurriedly grabbed my Stuff and Left out the door.

( Inhye POV )

" XIAO YOU!! SHANCAI!!!!" I screamed their names many times. I was getting colder and colder.

" XIAO YOU!!!! SHANCAI!!! WHERE ARE YOU TWO?!!!!" I screamed as loud as I can.

I was now too cold to keep moving. I fell to the snow Without energy.

" Shancai. Xiao You, where are you?" My weak voice softens. The coldness felt all the way to my bones.

Would I go back if I died here?

( Daoming Si POV )

" INHYE!! KANG INHYE!!!" I looked around hoping to find her. The blizzard just keeps getting worse and worse.

I started feeling cold. But my luck I finally found Inhye.

" Inhye!" I ran to her, it was hard to run since the snow was up to my knee.

I notice how cold her whole body was and Frosted her face is.

" Inhye, Wake up, don't sleep,"

" Daoming Si." She suddenly held my hand.

I  quickly looked around and to my surprise there was a abandoned Cabin there. I quickly Picked Inhye up and carried her to the Abandoned Cabin. I looked around to see if there's anything to warm her up. I took off my jacket and put it on her.

" Don't sleep, I'll be back" I was about to leave when she suddenly gripped my hand.

" Don't go," She Shivers coldly speaking.

" I'll be quick" I went out to grab dried Woods.

I look around and notice by the fireplace there was matches.

" Please still work." I took out a match and swiped it and a fire lit up.

I quickly got up and searched around the House and found some abandoned Blankets.

I wrapped her in it.

" Don't sleep." I held onto her hands.

( Lei POV )

" We have two missing person and it's a blizzard outside. They can die from the cold."

" Sorry but there's a blizzard, we have to wait until morning, it will be hard to Find them in the dark and with snow covering them."

I hung up right away angrily.

" what did they say?" Shancai asked.

" They said that we have to wait until morning," I calmly speak hoping they'll all calm down.

" It's all my fault, I should've never gone missing," Xiao You Sadly Spoke.

" It's not your fault, there's two person in here that Is speaking way to much, you know if they die out there, you two will go to Jail because of murder." I coldly spoke to Xinhui and Bai He.

" We really thoug~" I Grabbed the wine and splashed the water at her face.

" It doesn't matter, lets just hope they could survive tonight." We all sat down on the couch.

( Daoming Si POV )

Without my jacket I was freezing. I handed Inhye a cup of Warm water.

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