Meteor Garden { Pills Caused It? }

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( Xiao Zi POV )
( Night )

My mother Gave me the Pills A day after. I was invited to his home by his mother. His mother knew what was happening. She made everyone leave work that do So I'll Stay with Daoming Si.

I Grabbed a glass of a strong Wine that can get you drunk in A couple of minutes, and then I put in the pill. A little smirk appeared on my face.

Xiao Zi: " You're mine Tonight"

I took off my clothes and wore a robe. I headed to his room with the Sizzling Juice. Opening the door I notice He was on his phone. A grin on my face turned into a smile.

Si: " What are you doing here?"

Xiao Zi: " I came here to give you your drink, the maid said they're a bit busy and for me to bring up to you."

He scanned me up and down.

Si: " Why're you wearing a robe?"

Xiao Zi: " I can't? This will soon be my home,"

( Inhye POV )

I sat down on my bed wondering what's going on in my head and what's my real feeling towards Ah Si.

After all the things I told him He still Love me? I thought I've finally Gotten over him, but the more I see him with her the more I'm in Pain.

Inhye: " WAOW! Inhye! You are REALLY Crazy,"

My phone suddenly started buzzing.

- Answers -

Inhye: "Hello?"
Lei: " Do you still Love Ah Si?"
Inhye: " Hey! You called me just to ask that? I can't answer that Question,"
Ximen: " You have to come to Daoming Si's house now! Something is wrong, everyone left the House and we see Xiao Zi Shoes,"
Mei Zuo: " Come On Inhye! We all know you still Love him! Even if you don't admit it, save him this time after all the time he saved you,"
Ximen: " Come Now!"

- Ends call -

I quickly grabbed my shoe and ran out the door. I Took a taxi. He drove as fast as possible.

( Xiao Zi POV )
( Strong Language Ahead )

I watch as he looked at me with Lust in his eyes.

The Viagra Worked perfectly. Mixing the Sleeping Pill and Viagra together can make a huge Combination. He'll sleep like a baby After this. I just have to not stop the Fun. I knew My mother's method wasn't going to work. I wouldn't get the fun.

I walked to him as I got on his chest. He wasn't Resisting me this time, I knew he wanted me. I kissed him As he kissed me back grabbing onto my waist,

But suddenly the Bedroom door burst open. Inhye and I made Eye contact.

This Bitch Ruined my Fun.

( Inhye POV )

Inhye: " Yah Xiao Zi!"

I grabbed onto her and pulled her off him. The others helped Ah Si who has suddenly fell asleep.

Xiao Zi: " You Son of a bitch, Ruined my Fun with Him! Now he's asleep!"

I slapped her Face.

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