Meteor Garden { Ghost Chase }

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( Shancai POV )

I woke Up with a sudden Urge to go to the bathroom. Searching for my FlashLight I Grabbed it. Turning it on I flashed It around.

Shancai: " Xiao Zi, Can you go to the bathroom with me?"

She didn't wake up. Asking every Girl they Either didn't answer or Said No. The Last person to ask was Inhye.

Shancai: " Inhye, Can you go to the Bathroom with me?"

She slowly opened her eyes.

Inhye: " What Time is it?"

Shancai: " It's 3:00am"

Inhye: " Can't you wait until Morning?"

I shook my head. She Groaned And Got Up. She put on her Slippers and she grabbed her Flashlight and Headed our with me.

- Wolf Howls -

We held onto each other's arms as We heard the Howl.

Inhye: " Should we head Back?"

I shook my head.

( Inhye POV )

I walked with Shancai to the bathroom. As we got closer and closer to the Bathroom I felt a cold Breeze Pass by and a feeling to not go in.

Inhye: " Uh, we should really head back,"

Shancai Kept Hesitating and saying no. We both walked into the Bathroom with the Lights flickering.

Shancai: " Uh Inhye, Should the Lights be doing this?"

Inhye: " Probably there's something wrong with the electricity here. We are In the Mountains."

Shancai Still Holding onto my Arm We Notice All Stall was Closed.

Shancai: " Is People using the bathroom?"

Inhye: " It's late There shouldn't be anyone."

Shancai: " What If we see a ghost."

Inhye: " Shut It! Don't Jinx It."

As We opened the Stall door, it creeks. The moment when the Door hit the wall we saw an Tall Body Wearing A drenched Red Night Gown. It slowly turns its head as We saw A Torn Bloody Face!

Shancai& Inhye: " Ahhhhh!!!!!!"

Shancai and I Ran to the side when We slipped on water. We both Lets got of each others arms Scared And Screaming. The Ghost Ran heading to Shancai when I quickly Kicked Its Crotch.

???: " Oof... Oof... Ow ow ow ow ow ow"

I was suspicious. We both looked at each other then at the Ghost Lying on the floor. I grabbed Some Water and wiped It's face.

Shancai&Inhye: " DAOMING SI!!!"

Shancai: " What are you doing here?"

Inhye: " Pervert!"

He suddenly got up like he's already Healed.

Si: " Hey! It's called a scare! I'm no Pervert!"

Inhye: " Says the One In the girl's bathroom."

Si: " You~"

Inhye: - Tilts Head - " What?"

My eye Caught on something. There was Standing a Someone.

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