Meteor Garden { Meteor In the sky }

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( At School)
( Third Person POV )

LiZhen, Qinghe And Shancai waited at the stairs for Inhye Who was late today.

LiZhen: " I'm worried about her. She texted all of us something that's pretty scary."

Qinghe: " Yeah, she texted us that she's being chased so I'm very anxious about her"

Shancai: " She didn't text either of us back"

Suddenly Inhye appeared walking to them but beside Daoming Si.

Everyone: " Inhye!"

Shancai: " Why didn't you text any of us back?"

Qinghe: " Yeah we were all worried sick."

Inhye smiled happily glad that they were worried about her.

Li Zhen: " Where did you spend the night?"

Inhye: " Actually..."

Inhye Looked at Daoming Si who was smiling.

Shancai: " Dont tells you spent it at his house?"

Inhye didn't want to reply so she just gave them a look of yes.

Ximen: " Ah Si! I heard you two got into a little fist to fist fight last night"

The other looked at Ximen Who was shocked by the look on their faces.

Shancai: " So they were fighting each other or with other people?"

Mei Zuo: " They were fighting with the people that was with Shunping."

Qinghe: " Shunping! That Mad Man And his stupid group, I would've killed them all."

The others didn't even want to look at him.

Everyone: " No ahh I don't think so."

Qinghe: " Come on, Just agree with me for once?"

( In class )
( Inhye POV )

I was sitting in class like always, taking down my notes and talking the words to myself to memorize it. But suddenly I was called out of class.

( F4 POV )
( Playing cards )

Mei Zuo: " What's going on?... Inhye is a cleaner at your house? That's ridiculous."

He places a card down on the table as Ah Si smiled Happily.

Lei: " How can you Develop such a unique love story when you're with Inhye?"

Mei Zuo: " Because they're both not normal"

They all chuckled

Ximen: " By the way, I saw your application Si. You're going to graduate school?"

Si: " Right, Inhye is now a sophomore. We will graduate together if I stay Two more years."

Lei: " Does Inhye know?"

Si: " Not yet, Personally I have to hear her say those three words."

Mei Zuo: " Which Three words? You are annoying. Stay far away, you stupid fool or... He He He?"

He words got everyone Laughing.

Lei: " It seems like you already got a prefect plan."

Si: " Don't worry, I've got it all planned out."

Ah si places the card on the table as they continued.

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