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( Inhye POV )

I got home still shocked at what just happened.

" It's okay Inhye! It's okay. Just go shower and pretend you never saw it." I walked to my room and showered.

( Next day At school )

" Daoming Si is not at school today." I over heard Some girls speak.


I sighed and walked away quickly.

Today suddenly was just a normal day. It was the most boring day ever. I was so used to Daoming Si popping out everywhere I go. It's so irritating.

" I'm going to the bathroom. Can you all watch my stuff for me?" Li Zhen asked as I nodded.

" Qinghe have you seen Shancai all day today?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

" I haven't seen her either. It's like she skipped today or called in sick."

I looked at Li Zhen stuff. I saw her phone sticking out of the bag. I reached in and grabbed-her phone.

" Inhye what're you doing?" Qinghe whispered to me.

" I'm just trying to figure out something." I opened her phone and notice no lock. " This girl really need to know how to put a lock on her phone."

I looked through her messages and saw a picture sent by a phone number.

" I took her safely home - Thomas ." The message said with a picture. " At 3:30am, on the day we went to the club together." I slid Down and notice another message. " I can't do this anymore. Now I'm going to have to leave the city because of you lying." I quietly spoke.

So Li Zhen is the one.

I screen shot it and quickly sent it to me and then erasing all the evidence of me being there. I quickly placed it back in her bag and continued eating. Minutes later she came back.

( After school )

I quickly Contacted Ximen.

" Xi men! I know who did it."
" So do us. I'll come pick you up later to confront her."
" So quick. Okay."

I hung up

( Daoming Si POV )

I skipped school today just to go play squash

" Mr. Si you've been playing for about 1 hour already you should get some rest."

I stopped and threw my racket down on the floor and lay down.

( after tennis )

I slowly thought about what Shancai said and Inhye.

" Inhye's right." I turned on my phone and tracked Shancai.

( Inhye POV )

I was still walking home late at night from buying something to eat. I waste my money on food.
I notice Shancai who was also walking alone. I was about to yell out her name when two guy came up in front of her and dragged her away.

" what the heck?" I quickly followed them.

We ended up in a abandoned home. They pushed Shancai on the floor. One of the men slapped her as the other one unbuckle his pants.

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