Meteor Garden { Its called love }

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( Inhye POV )

" All right that's all for today." The professor left the room.

" Shancai, where were you yesterday? Did Daoming Si make you eat anything weird?" Qinghe Asked.

I looked at Qinghe.

" She didn't eat anything weird. Just that she got kind of sick from walking in the rain with me." I packed my stuff.

" Shancai. Do you want to go to the club with Us later tonight? It'll be fun :)." I gasped at Li Xin's words.

" Really?" I asked her. Li Xin nodded but gave me a bitch face.

" Not you, you might cause trouble."  Li Xin spoke as I felt like fisting her face.

" Okay, I won't come." I Grabbed my stuff walking to my locker. When I was farther away from them I snickered and started complaining.

" Yeish, Who does she think she is, always yearning for attention. Fine if I can't go because you didn't invite I'll go because I wanted to~" I bumped into opened door. " Owwwwwwwww. What kind of person opens their locker door like this!" I kicked it as it slams.

" HEY! INHYE!" I turned to see Daoming si walking angrily towards me.

" What's with yelling at me??!" I asked as He walked over to me angrily. My eyes slowly widen as he walked closer. I gulped hard holding onto my books hard on my hand.

He finally arrived in front of me.

" You, You Ruined It." He spoke coldly But His words got me confused.

" What Did I ruin?" He walked closer to me making me walk back hitting the locker doors.

" Shancai Punishment." I can sense Anger in his voice

" So? I wouldn't let you give her D. It's probably small anyway." I scoffed.

" What?" His voice suddenly showed confusion. I pushed him away.

" Don't play dumb now Daoming Si." I turned to my locker and opened it quickly changing my books and was about to leave when He slammed his hand on the locker wall preventing me from going. I looked around and Everyone was looking.

 I looked around and Everyone was looking

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" Ohhh. Yeah. I was about to give her D. How about I show you what I can do." My heart was thumping hard in my chest now. I glared at him and sighed.

" If you're not afraid of me beating you, Try me." I lowered my head lifting one of my eye brows up glaring straight into his eyes. I pushed his hand away and left.

I got to class in time as Shancai looked at me worried.

" What happened to you? You're face is red as a tomato." She cupped my face.

" N-No. It's nothing." I moved her hand away.

( Later that night )

I walked into the club with 20 Bucks. Only because I can't drink much. Shancai texted me the club they were going to so I came anyway dressed like this.

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