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So, today we have a new idea by @tiniinbookland. I hope you and the rest of my readers like my little twist on it, but keep on sending suggestions and I'll try my best to get them in the story.

Keep sending love and comments my way. Thank you. (;

"Hello, my spaghetti squash," Louis mumbled quietly, giggling to himself before quickly quieting down when he saw Harry shift his weight.

Louis eyes trailed up to where his beautiful husband's face rested on the pillow. They were both laying on their sides on the bed, Harry asleep while Louis was scooted down closer to Harry's growing belly bump. They had finally got to the hotel around the after noon and Harry was antsy to lay down and get off his feet. The minute he laid on the mattress, he passed out.

"The nurse said you're about the size of a spaghetti squash," Louis whispered. He was holding the camera up so that it was filming him talking to Harry's belly. He smiled up at the lens before gently lifting Harry's shirt up to expose his belly.

"You're already 22 weeks old right now. Making my Harry so thick and delicious," He teased, peaking his eyes up at Harry to see if he heard. He didn't. He's still sleeping. "He also says he can feel whenever you move around or hiccup. I can't wait until I feel you kick."

Louis leaned in close to Harry's belly and smiled as he placed a kiss right above his belly button. "You also make my Harry so very horny," he continued, "I love it. Can you keep him pregnant forever?"

Louis felt Harry shift next to him and then a small little groan coming from his body. When he looked up to see what was happening, he saw Harry looking down at him with a half tired and half unamused look.

"I am not horny all the time," Harry mumbled.

Louis rolled his eyes as he pulled Harry's shirt back down his belly. He scooted himself up the bed and aimed the camera at the both of them as he leaned into kiss his husband. Harry let out a hum and lazily fell back against the pillow, stretching his limbs out until he heard pops going down his spine.

"Me and spaghetti squash were just having a chat," Louis explained with a cheeky smile, "Baby can hear our voices you know? No more cussing from you." Louis giggled as he bopped Harry's nose, smiling when Harry scrunched his nose up and shook his head.

"You're the one with the dirty mouth," Harry argued, "There's never not a time you're not saying something innapropriate."

Louis rolled his eyes, "Please. You're the one with the loud and innapropraite mouth whenever I do that thing to you."

Harry's eyes bulged out of his head as he quickly brought his hand up to cover Louis' mouth. He glanced at the camera briefly before he was hardening his glare at Louis. He tried sitting his body up on the bed but struggled from the weight his belly was bringing down on him. Louis bit his lip and giggled as he put a hand behind Harry's back to help him up.

Once Harry was sitting up on the mattress with his feet hanging on the side, he glared at Louis, "Shut up," is all he grumbled.

Louis smiled fondly as he got off the mattress and quickly hopped his way around the bed. He gently grabbed Harry's bicep and helped him stand up on his two feet. Harry let out a tiny groan as he straightened himself up before he was walking out the room while rubbing his belly.

Louis smiled as he followed behind, aiming the camera towards Harry's back and sighing. "Whatcha doin, love?"

"I'm craving something," Harry mumbled.

Louis giggled as he followed Harry into the kitchen. He set the camera down on the counter and sat on the bar stool by the bar. He watched as Harry pulled out random tubs of food that they had bought for the road trip. Grapes. Pickles. Spinach. Mushrooms. Mayonnaise. Chips. Cookies. Ketchup. Cottage cheese. Turkey slices. Chocolate.

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