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Wassssssup everyone. As you guys can tell, I have been a little AWOL. This is due to school kicking my ass, but here I am, surviving ...

Stay patient my friends. I promise once I'm on break I'll have more time to write and be inspired. Yes, this chapter was suuupppeeerrr hard to write because I haven't really been in writing mode lately. I just really wanted to give you guys a chapter since you've waited so long. Hopefully my inspiration quickly comes back, and I can give you all some better chapters. Love you guys!

"Alright, Silas, what are we going to do? Tell our viewers?" Louis questioned to his son as he recorded the two of them sitting in the car. 

Louis had his phone held in front of him so that he could film him and his son. Silas was in his baby seat in the back playing with a toy Louis had brought along for him. He didn't respond to the camera, just continued to look at the toy before tossing it down on the car. That was when he finally looked up. 

"Silas, can you wave?" Louis then questioned, turning around in his seat to look at Silas who was blankly looking back at him. "Come on, bug. Give a little wave."

Although the uninterested look on Silas' face was prominent, he still lifted his hand up and swatted the air, his small attempt in waving. Louis cheered in response and quickly turned back to the camera with a bright smile on his face. "See, he is pretty talented."

"Dada," Silas then called out, jutting his lips out in an attempt to pout. 

"Hang on, bud," Louis quickly told him. He turned the car off and got out so that he could unbuckle Silas. He was able to hold his phone in one hand while reaching to grab his son with the other. He got Silas on his hip before he was reaching for the bag he packed. Once he was settled, he straightened up and looked into the camera again. 

"So my lovely Tomlinsuns, me and Silas are visiting Hazza today at work," Louis said excited, taking a couple steps forward. "He got a substitute position at a private school he really wants to work full time at, so on his first day, we wanted to bring him lunch." 

Louis held up the bag he had strapped around his shoulder to show his viewers what he was bringing Harry. It wasn't much, but he did have Niall cook them a fairly good meal Harry would be able to eat for his lunch break. 

When Louis entered the school, he walked towards the front desk and introduced who he was and who he was here for. The lady made him sign some papers and wear a visitors tag before she allowed him to pass through. Louis smiled in return and started walking down the hallways of the school while aimlessly looking for the teacher's lounge where he knew Harry would be heading towards for lunch. 

"Look, Silas. This is most likely the school you'll be going to in a few years," Louis narrated, comically pointing to random things so Silas would get fascinated easily. "Wow," Louis then said breathlessly, stopping for a short minute to look at the lens of his phone. "I can't believe Silas will be going to pre-school soon," Louis then noted with a frown. 

Louis let out a soft sigh at the thought and continued to walk in the direction the front lady had told him to go. It was right across the hall where all the offices were, so Louis walked in and went to the back room where teacher's spent their lunch and free time in. 

When Louis walked through the door, he didn't see Harry anywhere. There were a couple other teachers who were using the coffee machine or sitting down to eat their lunch, so Louis tried to get out of their way and wait on the couch for Harry to appear. 

It took a couple of minutes of waiting and Louis filming Silas playing with his keys before the door to the teacher's lounge finally opened up. Harry was walking through with another co-worker, laughing about something funny they were talking about. Harry didn't notice Louis or Silas until Louis set Silas on the ground to let him do his baby jog over to his other dad. 

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