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Hellllooooooo, here I am. Here's another update. I hope all my lovely readers enjoy this next chapter. Because GUESS WHAT???????

Well, you'll have to find out 😉

Enjoy. Make sure to comment and vote. Send me all your love please.

"Looks like we got a mini watermelon in there now," the nurse said the a smile, shifting the Doppler around so Harry and Louis could see their baby up on the screen.

"You hear that love?" Louis giggled, zooming the recorder in on the screen then to Harry's face, "Silas is a little watermelon."

"Yes, but-" the nurse then paused. Harry's head immediately snapped up when he heard the change in her tone. He felt something unsettling when she looked at the screen before back at them, "We said your due date was to be about in a week and a half. Around December 9th, but it looks like your little fellow may need to stay in a little longer."

"What? Why? Is everything okay?" Harry panicked right away. He felt Louis' hand coming down to rest on top of his shoulder, and although the sentiment was comforting and helped him relax a bit, he still had a million and one negatives running through his mind.

"No, nothing is wrong dear," The nurse eased lightly, "It looks like his development has slowed down. We just want to make sure that he is completely ready before he is born. Nothing strange. Some babies come early. Some come on time. And some simply like to cook in the belly for a little longer than normal. Your baby seems to want to stay in just a little bit more. Has a few more things that need to grow and development before he can come out into the world."

"Hear that baby?" Louis asked sweetly, trying to relax Harry down by nuzzling his nose against his curls, "Our little watermelon just wants to cook longer. We'll have a fried watermelon now."

"Louis, no one eats fried watermelon," Harry rolled his eyes, "How come his development slowed down? Is it because we're having too much sex?"

"Well, got that on camera," Louis giggled.

The nurse started smiling and shaking her head. She rolled towards the machine and began setting up the pictures for the sonogram, "No, sex won't alter the baby's development. If anything, sex is one of the top ways to help get the baby to come out. Now if it works ... Just depends."

"So if we have more sex the baby will come faster?" Harry asked nearly hopeful. He turned to look at Louis with bright eyes, but he immediately started blushing when he realized the camera was pointed straight on him.

"I'm not prescribing sex Mr. Tomlinson," The nurse laughed, "But what I am doing is going to bump up your visits here. When you start to feel slight discomfort, pain in the belly, anything out of the ordinary then you'll be put on bed rest. But, baby needs a little bit longer."

Harry let out a groan as he watched the nurse wipe the gel off his belly. He reached for the sonograms and smiled at his little watermelon that's growing in his belly. He wanted to meet Silas already. He wanted to be a dad now and take all the cutest home videos in the world. But he has to wait.

It's a good thing he's pretty patient.

After their visit they decide to head home. Louis has off for a good couple of months while they get settled with the new baby. Harry had taken solely online classes in the fall and will hopefully complete his degree in the spring. Since he wants to be a teacher, all he has to do is observation hours before he gets to graduate.

A little part of him gets excited at the thought of their baby being about 5 months old and watching him walk across the stage. He was already thinking about the cute pictures he would get to take with Silas, his diploma and his cap and gown.

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