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Shellloooo!! Told you there will be a little bit more chapters being uploaded. Hope you enjoy, as always.

And I've taken some of your guy's suggestions and will be somehow applying them to the story. Of course with my little twist.

I'm thinking about 5-10 more chapters (it's just a guess) before the epilogue. So be prepared. Love you guys!

Harry was stressed, and this wasn't an understatement. He had to go to campus at 8 in the morning to go take a major test that was going to help determine if he was even qualified to teach. It lasted nearly four hours for him to take

Then from there he had to rush over to the elementary school across town to meet the teacher he was supposed to observe for hours. Then after that, he had to teach a class on his own while the teacher sat off to the side and graded him on his work.

All of this lasted until about five in the evening, because after teaching he had to go over his evaluation. And it wasn't necessarily the work load that was stressing him out. It was the fact that his 3 1/2 month old son was at home with Niall watching.

And Niall was a reliable person to watch Harry's baby. Harry would only allow the best and he spent nearly 2 hours testing Niall to make sure, but Harry felt guilty. He should be the one at home watching his baby instead of having someone else do the job.

It's been only a week since Louis left for his charity tour around California, and Harry feels a down right complete mess since he's been gone. Most of it is due to worrying about Silas and having the constant battle over if he's being a good parent or not.

Harry knows that Silas is starting to learn new things and he wants to be there to help develop his child. Of course they still have some time before he can walk and mumble words, but his motor skills will start kicking in and Harry really wants to be there when Silas figures out that the square block goes in the square hole. Or when Silas knows a toy is under a blanket instead of thinking it disappeared.

Harry rushed from the elementary school and hopped in his car. He let out a long, drawn out sigh as he pulled from the parking lot to head back to their home. Thankfully all Harry had to do was get on the highway for 15 minutes and be right at his house, but unfortunately it was rush hour.

"Fuck!" Harry groaned, slamming his hands on the steering wheel.

He continued to mutter incoherent words as he slowly merged on to the typical Los Angeles traffic at 6 in the evening. The gps on his phone said he had roughly around half an hour before he would he would reach his exit, and this caused him to let out another groan as well.

He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed Niall's number who quickly became his second emergency contact on his phone.

"Niall," Harry breathed out, "Fuck, Im sorry I'm going to be late tonight. I got out right during rush hour traffic."

"Mate, don't worry," Niall eased comfortably, a small laugh Harry heard through the line, "Me and Silas are just chilling. He's chewing on his stuffed animal. We're cool."

"I owe you big time, Niall. I don't know what I would do without you," Harry nearly cried.

"You're good, Haz," Niall continued. His voice was soft and comforting, something Harry had needed in the moment. He almost felt himself getting emotional from the built up stress the past week, but he knew crying on the line with his chef (and best friend) would not be the best thing to do right now.

"Listen. I'm about to make you a nice meal and have a glass of wine ready for you. Silas will be all cute and whatever, but it's time for Harry to relax tonight. Yes?"

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