Chapter 04.

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Allura and Cira lead the Paladins into the Armory where their uniforms and weapons were kept. The light popped on, revealing each of the Paladin armors. "Your suits of armor." Allura extends a hand to five full body armor, each with it's own color.




"Oh, neat!"

Coran pulls on his mustache nervously and speaks to Cira and Allura with a low voice, "Princesses, are you sure about this? They aren't exactly the best and brightest the universe has to offer."

Cira looks at him, "No, but they're all we've got."

"Boys," Shiro raises his voice, making everyone stand in attention, "it's time to suit up!"

After all five dressed in their armor, they approached the princesses. Allura held out a tray towards them, pressing her palm down to open it. Strange colored devices laid inside, lifting to the air by her command. "The bayard is the traditional weapon of the Paladins of Voltron." The bayard floats near them, "It takes a distinct shape for each Paladin." Hunk grabs the yellow bayard and it transforms into a large single-barreled blaster cannon. He gasps and the cannon falls to the ground with a thud. Hunk grunts and lifts it, and then smiles.

Keith takes his bayard and it transforms into a sword. He looks at his left wrist and a shield appears.

Lastly, Pidge takes his bayard and it transforms into a grappling hook with a knife head for close combat. He swings it around and then smiles and looks at it.

Lance takes his next and it transforms into a single-shot laser rifle. A giant smile spreads across his face and he holds it and pretends as if he was aiming. Freaking out about it, he lifts it for Hunk to see, "Dude, look!"

"I know! Check out mine!" Hunk lifts his heavy cannon, grinning like a mad man, "This is awesome! And look, we totally match."

"Gun buddies!" The two high-five.

"Hunk's is more of a cannon than a gun." Pidge announces. His weapon seemed to be more of a knife-like katar of some kind. Hunk squints at it, "Dude, what is that, a boomerang?"

"No." Pidge frowns after messing with it a bit.

Lance's teasing voice sounds from next to him, "Aw, you got a cute little bayard."

Pidge taps it against his shoulder. With a shriek, Lance falls over when it electrocuted him. Pidge smiles smugly and looks at his bayard, "Yeah, it is pretty cute."

Cira turns to Shiro, "Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard was lost with it's Paladin."

He smiles at her, "I guess I'll just have to make do."

They all returned to the Bridge to go over the plan. The hologram of Sendak's battleship appeared before them with the ion cannon colored red since it was a target. Cira began to brief them, "You'll need to retrieve the Red Lion from Sendak's ship."

"That's a pretty big ship. How are we gonna know where the Red Lion is?" Keith asks.

Pidge smiles at Keith, "Well, it's not a matter of "we." It's a matter of "you.""

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now