Chapter 09.

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The next morning, after fixing the castle for most of the day, Allura and Cira walk in the Dining Hall to see Keith and Lance gobbling down some food. Cira lifts her eyebrows as she steps beside Coran with Allura behind her, "They like the Paladin lunch."

Coran crosses his arms and turns away from Cira, "I don't want to talk about it."

Cira gives him a glance of confusion, but the confusion ends when Allura begins to speak, "Cira and I just got the final nebulon booster working. We should be able to leave Planet Arus tomorrow and take the fight to Zarkon." An alarm begins to blare and the Dining Hall turns red. In a startle, the sitting Keith and Lance leap to their feet, noodles slurping up to Lance's face. Chewing rapidly as the screen appeared, he swallowed when something small came into sight. The screen was video feed coming from the very front of the castle, warning them that something small was approaching. A small head pops out from behind a rock.

"What is that?!" Keith exclaims, ready for a fight.

Cira seemed to relax a little at the sight of the strange creature. Her eyebrows knit together, "I don't know. Maybe it's a local Arusian."

The small intruder moves out from behind the rock a bit more and then looks around before running quickly to another rock with a battle cry, his small sword swinging back-and-forth. "He's approaching the castle." Allura points out.

The small intruder peeks out from the rock again and then runs to another, waving his tiny sword and yelling. He peeks out again, making Hunk's eyes soften, "Aw!"

"Doesn't look too dangerous." Lance shrugs.

"You never know." Keith says coldly, pulling out his bayard.

"No." Allura stops him, "Alteans believe in peace first. Let's go welcome them." She turns and walks out with Cira following behind her. Hunk follows, "That's adorable."

"Hey, maybe we can knit him a little sweater!" Lance runs and follows.

"I'm not taking any chances." Keith follows after them with his bayard still in hand.

Arriving outside the castle, Cira watches as the small intruder runs and hides behind a bush. He gasps when she and Allura stop in front of shere he is hiding with Hunk, Lance, and Keith. "Greetings." Allura leans forward to see him in the bush, "We know you're there. No harm will come to you."

It flips out of the bushes, holding out it's blade. It was even cuter in person, staring at them with such a tiny form and wide eyes. Lance and Hunk were putty in it's hands, swooning at how cute it was. "Aw!" Hunk smiles.

"Wait!" Keith moves in front of Cira and Allura protectively, "He could be dangerous." Keith lifts his bayard, "Drop your weapon!"

"No one takes Klaizap's weapon!" Klaizap glares at Keith, lifting it a little higher to go against his orders. Keith looked ready to punt the thing and was thankfully stopped by Cira.

She turns to Keith and speaks through gritted teeth, "Keith, put that away!" Stepping back with an unwilling sigh, he looked away.

Allura turns to Klaizap, "Please, kind sir, accept my most humble apologies."

"Huh?" Klaizap hums and blinks a few times, as if he was expecting a fight. The Arusian stands, "I am Klaizap, bravest of our warriors. Our village is over Gazrel Hill." He gestures to the hill. Klaizap turns back to Allura, "I come seeking answers as to why the Lion Goddesses are angered with their followers." He said with a sad frown.

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