Chapter 032.

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"I don't think this is necessary."

The group cuffed Ulaz and moved him into the Lounge. Folding her arms, Allura purses her lips heatedly, "I will not have some quiznak-ing Galra soldier on the bridge of my ship!"

Ulaz seemed unimpressed with her rage, his gaze lowered, "If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already." Cira hated to admit it, but she believed him. From what she saw, he did not attack the Paladins, even when the Paladins attacked him, he did not engage. And when he could have killed Shiro, he pulled back. She believed him to be telling the truth.

"Are your threats supposed to earn my trust?" Allura growls at him.

"I'm not trying to win your trust. I'm trying to win a war." He says simply, "And because of Shiro, we are closer than we've ever been. Our gamble on you has paid off better than we could have imagined."

Shiro steps forward, "When you released me, you also mentioned that there were others working with you."

"Yes." Ulaz answers, "We are called the Blade of Marmora."

"Uh, others?" Hunk pales, "Are they here?"

"Hunk," Lance crosses his arms in annoyance, "can you try not to act so scared around the chained-up prisoner? It makes us seem a little lame."

"I am alone on this base." Ulaz assures them.

"What base? There is nothing there. We checked." Cira retorts.

"The base is hidden." Ulaz explains, "Now that I know it is Shiro that has come, you are welcome to our outpost. It lies dead ahead."

Pidge narrows her eyes in disbelief, "Behind all the xanthorium clusters?"

"No. Right in front of it, in a hidden pocket of space-time." He answers.

"Coran," Cira lifts her head, calling out, "are you hearing this?"

"I am picking up some kind of anomaly on the screen." Coran tells them, "I suppose it could be a cloaked base."

"Just fly straight for the center of the xanthorium cluster. You will see." Ulaz says.

"You think you're going to get me to destroy our ship just because you say so?" Allura growls.

Everyone turns to Shiro when he speaks, "We came out here to find some answers. Are we going to turn back now?"

"You know I trust you, Shiro, but this doesn't feel right." Keith states.

"And you know how much I hate to agree with Keith, but it's a big, fat ditto for me." Lance mutters.

Cira turns to Shiro, "Well, I think we should check it out. I mean, you remember him freeing you, right?" Shiro nods, "He wouldn't do that and come all this way for nothing."

Pidge looks at her, "The Galra could have implanted fake memories of the escape pod in his head."

"Oh, come on," Hunk looks down to Pidge, "that would be so evil," he puts his hand on his chin, "which, of course, they are. But they'd have to come up with some molecular level storage unit," Hunk's eyes widen, "which his hand does have. But," his hand finds his chin again, "to be linked up to memory, it would need a direct pathway to his brain, which..." Hunk shrugs, "yeah."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now