Chapter 047.

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Cira, Keith, and Shiro now were back on the Red Lion. Kolivan and Antok came along, as well. As much danger they were in flying in-between the two black holes to return to the castle, Cira could not focus. She was furious. She felt she was trapped inside her own head, her thoughts poisoning her own mind. She was too focused on herself to even think that Keith felt the same way. They were different. That was now clear to them.

The amount of anger she felt towards Coran was unexplainable. He was by Alfor's side from before she was even born. He knew. And she knows that he knew what monster she was. How could he have not said anything? How dare he keep this from her?

Her poisonous thoughts were broken by Shiro's voice. He spoke to Allura over the radio, "Princess, we're coming back, and we're bringing someone you should meet."

Keith lands the Red Lion in his Lion Bay. Shiro exits the Red Lion first, followed by Keith and Cira to see the team waiting for them with anxious looks. Pidge sighs in relief when all three entered unscathed, except Keith, who had bumps and bruises, but was fine. She hugs Cira, her arms wrapping around her waist. Cira's eyes widen and she looks down at her, unsure what to do, "Uh..."

"We were so worried about you." Pidge tightens her grip.

Cira's hands were in the air, frozen and her eyes were wide with shock. "Uh..." Cira grabs Pidge by her arms and peels her arms off, "we're fine."

Lance crosses his arms, "You guys really had us worried there."

"Yeah," Hunk agrees, "when we saw that the Red Lion was attacking, we thought something bad happened."

Cira pulls off her space suit's helmet and Keith and Shiro follow, tucking their helmet underneath their arm. All eyes went to the Red Lion when Kolivan and Antok exited. Allura seemed bothered by their presence, her eyes narrowing at both of them. Kolivan steps before her, his mask vanishing to reveal his scarred face. "Princess Allura," Kolivan pulls his hood back, "it's good to see that the rumors are true." He bows before her, making Cira pout. He didn't bow to her. "You're still alive after all these years." Kolivan finishes.

Allura glares at him, "So is Zarkon. Can we consider you our ally in the fight against him?" Anyone could see her distrust towards him. It was the way she looked at him.

"Yes," Kolivan rises, "but we have little time to discuss this. Before I begin," Kolivan turns around to Cira, "Princess Cira, I apologize for my treatment of you upon your arrival. I am glad to have such a powerful ally to fight beside against our common enemy." Kolivan bows his head to her and she returns it. He turns back to Allura, "I just received word from our spy inside the Galran hierarchy. They have become aware of our presence, so the timetable for our plan has been moved up."

"How soon do we need to begin?" Shiro asks.


"All right." Allura nods, "Let's move this discussion to the Bridge. From there, we can decide our next course of action."

Everyone goes to leave, but a voice stops them, "Wait." Everyone turns around to see Keith. He gulps, hesitating for only a moment, "There's...something I have to say." Keith stutters, "I've found out that I'm...part Galra."

Everyone stiffens. Cira looks down. She couldn't bear to see their faces, especially since that's how they would be looking at her when she finally said what she was going to say. She takes a glance at Shiro and he nods for her to tell them. She sighs in defeat, surprising everyone when she speaks, "I have to say something too." Everyone's attention turns to her. Cira sighs nervously and looks up from the ground to see everyone's eyes when she admits, "I'm Zarkon's daughter."

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