Chapter 016.

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"Allura, Cira, Coran, w-what's my location? All these tunnels look the same. I can't remember where the prison is." Hunk's voice sounds through the radio. Cira moves over to the hologram of the tunnels and searches for Hunk's yellow dot. She looks at where he is going and crosses her arms, "You're on the right path. Turn right at the next tunnel." She follows the tunnel that he is going through to see a giant door that he would need a Galra hand to get through and a bunch of Galra guarding it, "Once you get there, you'll have to disable the energy doors. Be careful. It looks like it's heavily guarded."

Hunk arrives only seconds later and from looking at his yellow dot, it seemed he got past the Galra troops and the door and rescued Shay and her family. Cira's gaze shifts to where all the Galra troops are to see them moving to one location, the center of the Balmera. "Paladins, are you there?" Allura asks through the radio, "The Galra troops are moving down the tunnels. It looks like they're going down towards the center."

"They must be headed to the core of the Balmera." Hunk concludes, "That's where they're holding Shay."

"They're drawing us into an ambush," Shiro concludes, "but we don't have a choice if we want to save Shay. We have to follow. Lance, Keith, get to the core. I think we're going to need everyone together to get through this firefight."

"Copy that. We're on our way." Lance responds.

Cira moves over to Pidge's green dot to see her stop abruptly. "Looks like you're in an area where the tunnels are too narrow for your speeder." Cira tells her.

"Yeah." Pidge agrees, "Proceeding on foot." Cira places her hand on her chin while she watches Pidge move and then whisper, "There's someone here."

"Looking into it." Allura presses a few buttons and then the three dots moving towards Pidge are revealed to be Balmerans. Just as Pidge's dot begins to move towards them, Allura yells, "Pidge, no! Those are Balmerans!"

"Phew!" Pidge sighs in relief after a second. A few moments later, she speaks through the radio, "Hey, team, be careful. The Balmera is very unstable."

Suddenly, the alarm begins to blare and then the castle shakes. Coran, Allura, and Cira all turn to see an onslaught of Galra fighters approaching and shooting at them. "Particle barrier up!" Allura yells, making the particle barrier appear around the castle. Cira runs to her seat and presses a few buttons, aiming at the Galra fighters that shot at them. She shoots them, making them explode, but grunts when the castle shakes again. She was keeping the load off the particle barrier as she shot down so many fighters, but it seemed like the more she shot down, the more that arrived.

"Wait! We have a giant castle ship hovering in the sky. Cira, Allura, can you please come get us?" Lance calls out.

"How do you expect them to do that, genius?" Keith sarcastically states.

"I don't know, maybe they got tele-porters or something."

While Cira continues to shoot down Galra fighters, Allura answers them, "We're quite occupied at the moment." The castle shakes again, making her, Cira, and Coran grunt, "We're completely surrounded by Galra ships and we're taking heavy fire!"

Cira grunts again while she focuses solely on shooting down the Galra fighters. She bites her lip and narrows her eyes at them while Coran turns around to Allura, "Princess, our particle barrier won't last much longer!"

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now