Chapter 011.

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Shiro carries Lance over his shoulder as he and Cira walk down to the entrance of the castle. "Hang on, buddy." Shiro speaks to the unconscious Lance, "Help is on the way."

Looking ahead, Cira stops, "Shiro."

Shiro stops when he looks into the entrance of the castle to see Sendak and what was left of his men. He scoots back and narrows his eyes, "Sendak!" Shiro lays Lance down on a table and looks at Cira, "Stay with Lance," He looks at Sendak and his metal arm begins to glow, "I'll take care of this."

Cira stands next to Lance and looks at him worriedly, but then looks up and watches worriedly as Shiro runs to the entrance of the castle, guarding it before Sendak could get there. "Stand aside." Sendak orders.

"No." Shiro denies, "You're not getting in."

"Yes, I am." Sendak brings back his giant arm and flings it at Shiro. The arm grabs onto Shiro's and throws him on the ground. Shiro grunts and then looks up as the arm lifts again to smash him, but Shiro flips back and dodges it, landing on his two feet. Shiro stretches his metal arm out and it glows. He runs towards Sendak and hits his arm against Sendak's giant one. The two continued fighting, each dodging each other's attacks. Shiro pulls his metal arm back again to punch Sendak, but Sendak did the same and their two metal arms collided. Sendak smirks, "I see you spent some time with the druids. They do love to experiment. Too bad you didn't get the latest model."

Sendak's metal arm flies off, grabbing Shiro's metal one and flings him back into the castle. Shiro rolls back a few times and then lands beside Cira. She leans down to him, and puts her hand on him, "Shiro?" Her tone held worry.

Shiro struggles to sit up, but when he does, he looks up, Cira following, only to see Sendak's arm about to smash them. Cira's eyes widen and she moves on the table with Lance and covers him while Shiro jumps out of the way.

Sendak had entered the castle, his Galra sentries and Haxus behind him. Cira crawls off the table while Shiro continues his fight with Sendak. She turns around, only to see Haxus, Sendak's faithful soldier, aiming his weapon at her. Her face falls and she turns around to see Shiro with his metal arm at Sendak's throat, but Sendak's metal arm at Shiro's throat, as well. Neither moved. "Let him go," Haxus spoke from behind Cira, "or your friends won't make it." Haxus nudges his weapon closer to Cira's back and a sentry grabs the unconscious Lance from the table and drops him on the ground. Shiro glances back at them, taking a glance at Lance and then Cira. Sendak punches him across the face with his metal arm, making Shiro go flying next to Lance, now unconscious, as well.

Sendak stands and smirks, "Voltron is our's."

He gestures to Shiro, Cira, and Lance, "Bring them." He turns and walks up the steps and Cira follows while the droid sentries grabbed Lance and Shiro by their arms and dragged them along. Haxus was behind them, and behind him were two other droid sentries, who carried the giant Galran crystal.

Arriving on the bridge, a droid sentry forces Cira on her knees and brings her hands around to her back, binding them together. The other three droid sentries place the Galran crystal in the middle of the bridge and begin connecting wires to it. "Power up the castle." Sendak orders.

Cira watches with shock and sadness as the castle begins to power up and Galran symbols begin to appear on the screens. She looks down, thinking this was it. They were doomed. Holograms of the lions in the Lion Bays appear before Sendak. A smile forms on his face, "The lions are all in their bays. Raising particle barrier. Begin launch sequence." He orders, "Make contact with Emperor Zarkon."

Haxus obeys and only a few seconds later, Zarkon appears on the screen before them, "Sendak."

Sendak smiles, "My mission is complete. I've captured the Altean Castle, Princess Cira, and all of the Voltron Lions. I am currently preparing for launch and will be delivering them all to you shortly."

"This news is most pleasing. You have done your duty." Zarkon nods, "Vrepit Sa!"

Sendak lifts his fist to his chest with a smirk, "Vrepit Sa!" Zarkon fades from the screen and Sendak turns to Haxus, "Haxus, ready the castle for takeoff."

"Yes, Commander." Haxus obeys.

Cira looks down. She felt as if there was nothing she could do and Zarkon would win. He would get all of the Voltron Lions. They lost. Suddenly, her eyes widen. Pidge! She remembers. Pidge was still in the castle when Sendak infiltrated it. Cira closes her eyes in hope that Pidge would do something and save them, because if he didn't, then Zarkon would win.

"Run main cluster activation sequence." Sendak orders Haxus.

"Activation sequence initiated." Haxus reports, "Powering up for launch." A few seconds later, Haxus turns to Sendak, "Commander Sendak, we are ready for launch."

"Then get us out of here."

Haxus turns back to the control console and the ship begins to take off. A smile begins to form of Sendak's face, but it falters when the castle does not move. Haxus turns to Sendak, "The main engine just shorted out!"

Cira laughs. Sendak's eyes widen and he turns towards her slowly. Sendak moves over to her, "Who else is in the castle?" Cira looks up at him and continues to laugh, making Sendak raise his voice, "Who else?!"

She doesn't answer, but simply smirks up at him victoriously. Sendak narrows his eyes at her, "Zarkon said I could not harm you, but he didn't say anything about your friends." Sendak aims his robotic metal arm at Shiro, "Tell me, or he dies." Cira's smirk falls off her face.

"Commander, I have found the intruder!" Haxus exclaims.

Sendak lowers his arm and moves next to Haxus to see a video of Pidge leaving the engine room. He turns to Haxus, "We have a saboteur. Find him and take him out."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now