Chapter 015.

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Cira looks out the window as they approached Balmera X-95-Vox in the Javeeno Star System. She turns around and walks over to the Paladins and Allura, who starts, "We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon. Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy."

"So, what's the plan? We go in there and just—pow, pow, pow!" Lance yells as if he was shooting Galras, "And free the prisoners?"

Keith stood next to him, his right hand resting on his right hip. He looks at Lance through the corner of his eye, "What was that noise?"

Lance smirks, "Laser guns."

"No, Lance, I think you mean—" Hunk leans down and imitates lasers firing while he shoots his arms like a cannon, "—Pow!"

Lance crosses his arms, "That sounds like fireworks."

Cira facepalms and sighs deeply, closing her eyes and questioning why must she be in this idiotic conversation. "Technically, they're more like—" Pidge lifts both of her hands and shapes them like a gun and shoots, "—ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!"

Cira lowers her hand and gives Shiro a look, "Shiro."

Shiro, seeing Allura and Cira's annoyance and boredom, stops them, "Okay, enough with the bad sound effects."

Cira sighs, "Thank you."

"Besides, it's more like—" he leans down and shapes his hand into a pretend gun, "—blam, blam, blam!" With each "blam" he strikes a different pose.


"You're crazy."

"No way."


Cira rolls her eyes and crosses her arms with a bit of a pout. "Paladins, focus." Allura brings them all back on subject.

"Besides," Hunk shrugs, "we can't just shoot at the Galra. This Balmera, it's, like, alive. And from what we've seen, it doesn't look very good." He says gently, like the big, kind lug that he was.

"Yes," Coran's eyes sadden as he stares at the Balmera in the distance, "it's an atrocity what the Galra have been doing to this grand beast. Stealing it's crystals, it's very life force without ever performing the energy rejuvenation ceremonies to heal it."

"After seeing Shay's people enslaved, it made me realize how bad Zarkon really is." Hunk looks to Shiro, "And we're the only ones that can stop him."

"Okay, so we can't go into the tunnels guns blazing." Shiro concludes, looking at the Balmera with thought, "Plan B." He turns to everyone, "We figure out how to draw the Galra up to the surface and battle them out there."

"Wait, I know." Hunk butts in, "If we attack all of this big mining stuff on the surface, the Galra troops will have to come out to defend it. Then we beat them up, head down to the tunnels, Voltron saves the day."

Keith turns to him, his arms crossed and his face holding a pouty expression, "But how will we know how many are left down in the tunnels?"

Cira looks at him, "We can track the Galra and the Balmerans using," Cira presses a button, making a hologram of a device appear, "Biothermal Life Indicator Point Technology."

"Oh," Pidge lifts her glasses and leans down to the hologram, "BLIP tech!" Her eyes shift to Cira, who looks at her with confusion. "It's an acronym." Pidge clarifies.

Cira turns back to the hologram, "One of you will need to fly around the Balmera and drop sensors into the shafts on each side." The hologram of the device moves into the middle and then expands, showing them tunnels under the Balmera, "Then we'll be able to see where the Galra and the Balmerans are. There are already sensors built into your suits."

"I can do it." Pidge suggests, "I just modified the Green Lion with the invisible maze's cloaking ability. I should be able to fly around unnoticed."

"That's their main power generator." Coran zooms in on a station from the planet. He turns around to them, "If you take that down, it will severely weaken their defenses."

"We'll stay in cloud cover and give tactical support." Allura presses a few buttons, making a hologram of the castle appear, "With the castle's defenses weakened from Sendak's crystal, we won't be of much help to you."

Shiro begins to give orders, "I'll take out the power generator. Keith, Lance, Hunk, you take out these big mining rigs around the area."

"Yeah!" Hunk lifts his arm, cheering, "Okay, let's do this! Let's go kick some alien butt!"

The castle moves towards the Balmera, and as Allura said, stays hidden behind the clouds. Cira moves beside Coran and watches from the window as the Voltron Lions are launched from the castle and down to the planet below. About two minutes of the lions on the planet, Pidge's voice sounds through the castle's radio, "All sensors delivered."

Cira turns around, glancing behind her where the hologram of the tunnels under the Balmera, Galra and Balmeran marks appear.

"Whoa! Did you guys just see that?" Keith's excited voice sounds through the radio, "I got fire power!"

"Hey! I want that!" Lance complains.

Coran zooms in on where Keith and Lance are to see that Keith just shot a heat ray through his lion's mouth, melting through a cannon's tower entirely. Cira's eyes widen when she sees the tower begin to fall to the side where it would land on the Balmera.

"Oh, no!" Keith exclaims.

Hunk flies under the tower and holds it up with his lion, "Hey, we can't let this thing hurt the Balmera."

"I think my lion knows what to do!" The Blue Lion jots forward and uses his freeze ray to coat the fallen tower in ice and prevent it's collapse. "Aw, snap! These rays are super cool, just like me!"

The lions land on the ice while Shiro exclaims, "Great job, team!"

All of them look down at the ground below to see no Galra troops, which meant no one shooting at them. "Where are all the troops? Keith asks, "They're not coming to the surface."

"Yeah," Hunk agrees, "I remember seeing a lot of Galra guys down in the mines."

"We've located a hangar full of Galra fighters just below the surface." Allura informs from behind Cira, "Someone has to take those out before they can launch."

"They're luring us down," Shiro concludes, "but we have no choice. Keith, Lance, you guys hit the hangar. Hunk, head to the prison to rescue Shay and the other Balmerans. Pidge and I will track down the Galra soldiers."

"Yes, sir."


"On it."

"Let's do this!"

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now