Chapter 07.

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"Ahoy, young Paladins!"

Coran walks in the Dining Hall and stands beside Cira. Each of the Paladins sat in front of the table and in front of them were bowls of green goo. "I've whipped up a big batch of focusing food. After this meal, you'll be forming Voltron six times a movement and twice on the astral conflux!"

Shiro smiles down at the food and then looks at Coran, "Smells great, Coran. Thanks." Reaching for their forks, they only noticed Cira's smirk a little too late before she pulled out a small device and pointed it at them. Pressing the button, each of the Paladins are shocked when cuffs appeared on their wrists from their chairs and and threw them into the Paladin next to them. They were officially tied together. "Hold the phone!" Lance snaps angrily, looking at Cira.

"I saw a lot of solid individual performances today," Cira tells them, "but you're still struggling to work as a team. So, welcome to the final bonding exercise of the day."

Hunk looks at his wrists and tries to pull them from Lance and Shiro's but to no avail. He glares at Cira, "Cira, I want you to think about what you're doing."

Coran takes a solid step forward, "Was that a threat?"

Cira pushes him back, "It's okay, Coran." She looks back to the Paladins, "This one's a classic. For my own entertainment, you get to feed each other."

"Like a pack of yalmors!" Coran adds with excitement. The Paladins share silent glares to each other.

Cira sits in her chair just as Allura walks in and sits next to her. The girls begin to eat their food, Cira enjoying watching the Paladins struggling to eat, while Allura kept getting annoyed.

"Ow!" Hunk yelps when Lance slapped him with his spork.

"Sorry." Lance apologizes, trying his best to stay with Hunk's movement, gasping when Hunk took a nibble at his hand by mistake, "Ew!" He pulls away, accidentally pulling Keith towards him. Lance gawks in horror when Keith's hand lands in his food, "Oh, nice! You defiled my food goo!"

"It's your fault!" Keith argues, "This is ridiculous."

Cira takes a small glance at Allura who looked as if she was on the verge of exploding. She growls, "Do Earthlings ever stop complaining?"

Shiro looks at her with a bit annoyance etched on his face, "Can't you just give us a break? Everyone's been working really hard today."

"Yeah!" Keith stands, officially done with trying to eat, "We're not some prisoners for you to toy with," Keith looks down, trying to come up with the word.

"Like a bunch of toy prisoners!" Lance finishes for him. It was simple, not too hard to come up with, but it worked.

"Yes!" Keith snaps his fingers, "Thank you, Lance!"

Blinking once, there was a slight sparkle in Coran's eyes as he yelled, "You do not yell at the Princesses!"

"Oh, princesses of what?" Pidge scoffs, "We're the only ones out here and they're no princesses of ours!" Food goo hits his face a second later.

All eyes trailed to the end of the table where Allura stood with her hand extended out. Cira and Coran's eyes widened in shock and then glanced at each other. Keith stares at her with annoyance, "Go loose, Pidge!" Keith grabs his plate of food goo and tosses it at Allura.

Coran jumps in front of her and whacks the plate back towards them, making them drenched in food. Cira's eyes widen more and she leans back, enjoying what she was watching, that was until she got what was coming to her. "Oh, it's on now!" Hunk declares and leans down to his food, stuffing it in his mouth like a pig before looking at all three Alteans and squirting it all out on them. Cira stands with an angry grunt and then grabs her food and begins throwing it the Paladins, while the Paladins did the same to them. The battle was long, arduous, and messy. Lance would have said they won in the end when he saw Allura slide back into her seat in exhaustion. Blinking a few times, he snorted. His laughter lasted so long that he began to turn red and had to hunch over to catch his breath, "T-That was—Did you see Coran's face?!" He cackles.

Hunk tears up, grinning slowly, "Yeah! And Allura! Did you see when she slipped on the goo on the floor?"

Lance laughs hysterically, "And when Cira dumped the whole bowl in Keith's hair!"

"Or when Shiro got hit so hard he squealed like a girl!" Pidge adds in.

"It wasn't like a girl—" Shiro cuts himself off, "—How about when Pidge used Keith as a full body shield?"

"Perks of being small." Pidge grins. Keith gives Shiro a little look, but the smile broke across his face when they all began to laugh.

"Enough!" Allura roars. Each of the Paladins freeze, stiffening at the loud yell, "Do you see what you're doing?!" She demands.

Not sure what she meant, they stood in silence awaiting the rage with baited breath.

"You're finally working together as one!" When she lifts her head, she smiled brightly at them. Not expecting that or realizing the fact themselves, they looked at one another.

"Hey, she's right!" Keith says in awe.

"I actually don't hate you right now." Lance looks at Keith in bewilderment.

Hunk nudges Lance, "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Let's go form Voltron!" Shiro lifts his fist.

"Yeah!" The rest of them agree with a yell.

Hunk frowns, "Actually, I was thinking dessert. But, yeah!" He lifts up his arms, "Let's do it!" All turning at the same time to leave, they screamed when the cuffs tugged on them and they toppled to the floor in one big heap.

After freeing the Paladins, each of them went to grab their lion and then Voltron was formed. Voltron lands in front of Cira, Allura, and Coran. Allura glances at Cira, "I told you I could get them to do it. They just needed a common enemy."

"It's true." Coran crosses his arms and glances at Cira, "Like the old proverb says, "A man can be driven to do anything if a beautiful woman is just really, really mean to him.""

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now