Chapter 017.

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"Oh, no!"

Each of them stare at the spacecraft in shock. It just crashed into the Balmera, startling each and every one of them.

"Please, tell me there's not a giant monster in there." Hunk begs, "Please, tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine."

"I don't think it's a piñata, Hunk."

"If it's the same kind of monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it." Keith tells them and forms sword. Pidge follows suit and forms shield.

"Hold your ground!" Shiro yells.

Cira's worried eyes drift to the spacecraft that opens, the doors and walls of it crashing on the ground. Inside, it contained a beast. It's chest begins to brighten and a green beam flies out from it and hits Voltron's shield. Voltron flies back a bit.

"It's not candy!"

"And it's not the same monster!"

"Allura, we have to help them!" Cira turns to her sister, a fierceness in her eyes.

"Agreed." Allura places her hands on the teludav while Cira runs over to her seat. She presses a few buttons and from the sky, aims at the beast. Voltron disbanded and the lions began to separate, but the beast had another trick up it's sleeve. The beast holds out it's long arms and begins to shoot at the lions all at once. Cira narrows her eyes and aims at the beast, "Target locked." She glances at Allura.

Allura pilots the ship out of the clouds in the blink of an eye and then yells, "Fire."

Cira presses the buttons and fires. A beam flies straight out from the castle and hits the beast. It yells and stumbles forward, lowering it's arms and then turns and looks at the castle, it's eyes lighting up and firing upon them. Cira grunts, along with Allura and Coran. Allura straightens her posture, "Where does Zarkon get these beasts from?"

Cira glances at her, "And how do they keep finding us?"

"Princess, the particle barrier won't sustain much longer." Coran turns to her, "It's still not at full strength after the blast from the Galra ship."

"What do we do?" Pidge asks through radio, "Fighting this thing is like fighting an entire fleet at once!"

"I think we've got to aim for those laser eyes and take them out." Keith states.

"We'll cover you from up here!" Allura yells and Cira fires at the beast three more times, gaining it's attention. It turns to the castle and then fires upon the particle barrier.

"We've lost the spectral generator!" Coran yells in panic, "Going to reserve! There's a fire in VIN bay three! Suppressors on! Suppressors out! Princess," he looks at Allura, "the ship is being torn apart!"

"We're taking heavy fire up here! We're in trouble!" Allura yells to the Paladins.

"Pull back!" Shiro orders, "Get out of it's range, now!"

"We won't abandon you!" Cira protests.

"You're not abandoning us." Shiro reassures her, "We're about to pull back anyway."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now