Chapter 028.

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After being escorted back to her cell and getting the Galra uniform off her, Cira had a lot to think about. When she first came back, she sat in the corner and huddled her knees to her chest, staring at the ground with watery eyes.

What if it was true?

What Zarkon was telling the truth?

What if she was a monster?

Cira lifts her hands and stares at them, trying to determine what she was. Her whole life was a lie. And now Alfor was actually gone, so she couldn't confront him even if she wanted to.

It made sense now.

Why he favored Allura. Why he loved her so. Why she was a sacred Altean. Why Cira did not look anything like Alfor or her "mother."

What about Coran?

Why didn't he say anything?

Cira clenches her fists and then wraps her arms around her knees, looking down. She knew they would not come for her. Keith said it himself:

He did not care.

Did that mean that the rest of them didn't either?

And Allura...

If Cira was Zarkon's daughter. If Zarkon was telling the truth, would Coran have told Allura? Did she know?

Her eyes watered and her voice came out in a raspy and broken whisper, "Why didn't you tell me?" Cira squeezes her eyes shut and buries her face in her knees, but lifts it when the ship shakes. "Huh?" She looks around in confusion and then wipes her tears. A sigh escapes her lips when she realizes that they did, in fact, come for her. She did enjoy that it meant that did, in fact, care, but that meant that the Black Lion was in trouble. She groans and throws her head back to the wall behind her, "Idiots!"

Just then, a hole gets blasted through her cell and Hunk runs through. "Hunk!" Cira stands.

"We're going to get you out of here." Hunk steps towards her.

Cira's expression was one of alarm, "What are you doing here?"

"We came to save you."

"Why did you bring Voltron here?!"

"Uh, we came to save you." Hunk repeats as if she didn't hear it clearly enough the first time.

Cira rolls her eyes, "Where's the Black Lion?" Suddenly, Cira hears Shiro grunting and in pain from her advanced Altean hearing. Her eyes widen and she runs out of the hole, "We have to save Shiro!" Hunk runs after her, responding to Lance that there was a change of plans.

Cira ran to where she heard him to find him in a hangar, fighting with the witch, Haggar. Shiro was on the ground, injured and Haggar stood over him, "And, now, Champion, you're time is over!"

Cira looks around at all the multiple Haggars. The witch made duplicates to confuse Shiro. Hunk runs beside Cira, his cannon in hand, "Which one's the real one?"

Cira looks around and then sees one of the Haggars moving towards Shiro quickly, about to kill him. "Hunk, there!" Cira points at Haggar, "Fire!"

Hunk does as told, but Haggar deflected it and then disappears with all the other Haggars when Shiro attacks her with his metal arm. Shiro stumbles when he hits nothing and he hits the ground with a thud. Cira helps him stand, "We've got to get out of here!" She walks him to Hunk's lion so that they could get the Black Lion and leave. Hunk stands there still and looks around with fear, "Where's the scary lady?"


The loud yell from Cira makes him jump and he runs after them, "Oh, right." Hunk helps Cira carry Shiro even though she's stronger than him.

After getting in the Yellow Lion, Hunk flies Shiro to the Black Lion, while Cira watches Keith's battle with Zarkon worriedly. He got smashed into Zarkon's ship and his lion was not moving. She didn't know why she was worried. He told her that he did not care about her. She had every right to be angry at him, and she was. But that didn't mean she wanted him to die. While Hunk flies her to the Castle of Lions, Cira watches with relief when the Black Lion moves the Red Lion out of the way before Zarkon could finish him off. A sigh of relief escapes her lips and Hunk glances at her with sadness in his eyes. He looks down, debating whether to tell her, but then gives in, "Cira," Cira looks at him, "I'm only telling you this because I care about you, but..." Hunk pauses and Cira lifts her eyebrows, "Keith didn't want to rescue you. He tried to convince us that it was better if we didn't." Cira's eyes sadden, "I only wanted you to know in case you and him were..." Hunk trails off.

"No." Cira stops him, "We're-We're not." She looks down, "Thank you."

After Hunk lands the Yellow Lion in the Lion Bay, Cira leaves and walks onto the Bridge only to see Allura and Coran turn around. Their eyes brightened and Allura rushed over to Cira, hugging her closely and tightly, "You're alive!" Allura sighs in relief and Cira hesitates to hug her back. She looks down in sadness and then looks at Coran from over Allura's shoulder. He was smiling in relief, but then it faded, "Princesses, I hate to break the moment, but we need to get out of here!"

Allura rushes to the teludav, "Of course! All right, Paladins, time to get out of here!"

A few seconds pass and nothing happens. Hunk appears on the screen in front of them, "Hello? What's going on? I don't see a wormhole."

Allura fumbles with the teludav, slamming her fists into them, "I can't!"

Cira silently moves over to her chair and sits while Coran squeaks, "The Galra barrier is jamming our ability to create one! They have us completely surrounded!"

Suddenly, the Galra barrier disappears. "What just happened?" Pidge asks, appearing before them on the screen.

"Who cares?" Hunk appears next, "Wormhole!"

A wormhole appears before them and the castle flies through, escaping. But just as they enter, the interior of it changes. Morphing from a calming blue, the wormhole became a sickening purple. Cira stands in confusion when she realizes that something is wrong with the wormhole. The others did too. "Coran, what's happening?" Shiro asks.

"The integrity of the wormhole has been compromised." Coran answers with panic, "It's breaking down!"

"What does that mean?" Lance asks.

"It means we have no control over where we're headed!" Coran yells. The castle shakes and Cira steadies herself with a groan, but then watches on the monitor as the lions got sucked out of their bays and fell into the walls of the wormhole to not be seen again.


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