Chapter 06.

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Cira took each of the Paladins into the Training Deck. There, each of them stood in a circle, facing back-to-back. Cira placed a mic on her head and cleared her throat, "Check, check." She clears her throat again, "Okay, listen up, guys. The Paladin code demands that you put your team member's safety above your own. A swarm of drones is about to attack." All the Paladins begin to look around only to see drones begin to fly in as Cira continues, "It's up to each of you to do everything you can to protect the other members of your team." Keith and Pidge lift up their shield while Hunk looks around confused, "Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's going on?" He gasps when his shield appears on his wrist and then he looks around, "Whoa. Did you guys get one of these?"

Shiro lifts his shield and glances at Hunk, "Get ready." Lance lifts his shield.

The first drone shoots at Hunk, who immediately gets scared and ducks, making Pidge get hit and fall into a hole. "Protect your teammates or no one will be there to protect you!" Cira reminds.

Hunk gets hit and falls in the hole, leaving only Keith, Lance, and Shiro. The three back up until their backs touch, blocking shots with their shield. "Time to increase intensity." Cira makes the drones go faster.

Lance glances at Keith behind him, "You keeping up over there, Keith?"

"Just concentrate on keeping me safe." Keith responds, blocking two blasts.

Lance scoffs, "Me? I own this drill. You're the one who needs to concentrate."

Suddenly, the drones lower, going for the legs of the Paladins. Keith drops, blocking the blasts, but Lance was too distracted in looking at Keith that when he turned back to the drones, he had to lift his leg to dodge a blast. The blast hits Keith's leg behind him, making Keith fall into the hole. Lance blocks two blasts that would've hit Shiro, but he gets hit in the back and falls. Shiro looks around, the last one left. He dodges a few blasts, but then gets hit and falls. Cira groans and facepalms.

For the next training session, Cira took a mic and put it on Keith's head. He watched her intently as she stood so close to where he could feel her breath on his cheek. She moved back, "Say something."

"Checking mic." He says and then looks down at the Training Deck where Lance walked in. He stood in the middle of the room and Cira presses a button, making a hologram of a maze appear before him. "To form Voltron, you must trust in each other." Cira starts, "This ancient Paladin maze will teach you that trust." The maze disappears before Lance, "Your teammate can see the walls, but you cannot. So, listen carefully. If you touch the walls, you'll get a slight shock."

Lance puts his helmet on, "Wait, who's guiding me through?"

Keith stares at the maze intently, "Take two steps forward."

"Oh, no." Lance groans, "Not Keith. Why does he get to be the man on the mic?"

"Don't worry." Cira takes a small glance at Keith, "You'll get your turn."

"Like I said," Keith continues, "take two steps forward, turn right, and take three steps that direction."

Lance begins to turn right and take three steps forward, but screams when he gets shocked. He stomps his foot and looks at Keith from where he stands, screaming, "You did that on purpose!"

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now