Chapter 02.

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"Cira, Allura, you must eat. It's been 10,000 years."

In the time that they had awoke, Coran whipped up some food for the two princesses and their guests, rambling about how he was being a bad host. Cira knew he was right and she had to eat, but she didn't have the stomach for it. She felt if she ate anything, it would come back up. The shock of Altea being gone was still there. Cira felt it harder than her younger sister or Coran. She was the firstborn and yet she still felt that Allura would be getting all the attention as she always did. She was the favorite daughter always, nobody could beat her. Perhaps Allura was favored only because she was a sacred Altean, just like her father. Cira was not, she was just a plain Altean, but of royal blood, which bothered her more than it should.

"I'm not hungry." Cira turns away from the food.

"Nor am I." Allura does the same.

"Man, 10,000 years?" Lance marvels, "That's like 1,000 plus 10."

"That's times ten." Keith corrects. Lance had never been one for math, and having to hear Keith remind him of it made his stomach twist.

"Whatever, dropout." He growls at him. Keith narrows his eyes back.

Hunk holds his stomach, "I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm starving."

Pidge looks at him, "Yeah, but you've thrown up like 5 times."

"Hmm." Hunk hums, "Good point." He grabs some of the food goo and eats it, making a disgusted face afterwards, but continues to eat, his hunger too much to bear.

Shiro looks at Cira, "I can't believe your civilization created such advanced technology 10,000 years ago." He smiles at Coran, "It must have been an incredible place."

Coran's eyes sadden, "Yes, it was," he looks down, "but now it is gone and we're the last Alteans alive."

Cira glances at a teary eyed Allura, who's chin trembles. Cira's eyes soften and she moves towards her sister and Allura jumps in her arms sobbing softly. Suddenly, she jumps up and gasps. Allura pulls away from Cira when she hears a squeak in the room. She moves towards the sleeping chamber that she was in only to find four Altean mice. The first one is called Platt and is the largest of the four. It had yellow and green fur. The second is called Chulatt and is the smallest mouse with blue fur and blue eyes. Plachu is the third and is a blue mouse with red eyes. And lastly, Chuchule is the pink mouse with the red eyes. Allura gasps, looking ready to cry as she bends down, "Looks like we're not the last after all." She lifts up a few small mice, who happily complied. The bonding moment between them was broken when the castle's alarms sounded.

Cira gasps and turns to the control console to see it detecting an incoming vessel: the Galra. She moves over to it, urgency in her voice, "A Galra battleship has set it's tracker to us!"

Allura moves next to her, the mice still in her hands, "How did they find us?"

Lance crosses his arms and shakes his head, "I'm not sure, but I bet it's Keith's fault."

Keith glares at him through the corner of his eye, "Say whatever you got to say to make yourself feel better." He turns to him and raises his voice, "After getting us stuck on the other side of a wormhole!"

"I'll stick you in a wormhole!" Was Lance's not so brilliant response, moving toward Keith so fast they almost butted heads.

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