Chapter 038.

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Cira's breathing was jagged, her heart beating out of her chest while her feet hit the ground quickly. She ran as fast as they could carry her, turning every so often. She was back on Zarkon's Central Command ship and being chased by Galra. She was panicking. What had happened? Where was the rest of her team? Where was Keith?

Turning another corner, she stops only for a tick. She sighs and a relieved smile forms when she sees an escape pod. Although, she felt as if she had already been through this. Something was not right.

Her feet moved without hesitation. Her only thoughts focused on trying to escape from Zarkon. He haunted her day and night. She needed to escape. Cira's feet skid to a stop when she barely sees a figure in the shadows. It was cloaked and held a hunched posture. It moves towards her slowly, making chills run up her spine. Cira steps back with every step the figure takes towards her. A cackle comes from it, "You will never escape."

That voice.

She knew that voice.

Who was it?

Cira immediately pales when the figure moves out of the darkness and into the light. Haggar.

It was the witch.

Immediately, Cira hands begin to shake in complete and utter fear. She wanted to turn and run away, but her body would not allow it. She was frozen in place. Frozen in fear.

Haggar's hand shoots forward and a darkness comes from it and entrances Cira until she is covered completely. Cira screams, her eyes squeezing shut. She falls onto her knees and when she opens her eyes, she was in darkness. Cira stands slowly and turns to look around. "Cira."

The taunting voice of Zarkon wakes her. She pops up quickly, her breathing heavy. Sweat dripped down her face while she sat up. Cira lifts her shaking hands and pulls her covers off her. He feet pad against the ground and take her into her bathroom where she moves in front of her sink. Cira turns on the water and splashes her face. Her shaking hands turn the water off and grip the side of the sink. She pants heavily and looks up to her mirror to see herself.

It was then she came to the realization.

She needed to tell Shiro.

At least then he could give her some advice or maybe even help her discover the truth. On the way to the Bridge, Cira tried to calm herself and control her hands from shaking. She seemed successful when she raised her now steady hand to hit the Bridge door. It opens and Cira walks in to see Shiro in his seat, turning around when she enters. He stands to look at her, "Cira."

"Shiro." Cira stops in front of him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She pauses, "But I'm not going to." Cira walks past him and leans on the wall to look at the stars, "You were right. I-I need to talk to someone."

Shiro moves beside her, his eyes filled with nothing but concern, "You can talk to me."

Cira glances at him, fear filling her eyes, "I think you should sit down for this."

"I'm fine right where I am."


"—Cira, I'm fine right where I am."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now