Chapter 021.

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Another cough escapes from Cira's lips. She nods in answer. Keith helps her stand and then notices what she is wearing. He would have been a bit flustered, if not for the circumstances. Keith takes a panicked look at the door when a giant spear pierces through it. Cira's eyes widen, "What's that?" Her voice sounded hoarse.

Keith's bayard transforms into a sword and he stands in front of Cira protectively, holding up his sword. The doors fly off the wall and the two duck as it goes over them. Cira's eyes widen when she sees the Gladiator move in, twirling it's spear. It moves towards the two. Keith glances at her, "Run."


The Gladiator swings at him and he dodges by turning and grabbing her hand, repeating, "Run!"

Keith leads her around the pool. The Gladiator followed them. Keith goes around again only to run out the door, his hand holding Cira's tightly as he pulled her with him. They ran down the hallways of the castle, the Gladiator hot on their tails.

Turning a corner, Keith noticed the Gladiator catching up to them. He lets go of Cira's hand and then turns, fighting off the Gladiator. Cira stops when she hears a muffled cry for help, "Help! Help! Help!" Cira stops running and looks to her right to see a panicked Lance, "Cira!" He yells desperately. He was in an airlock and banging on the door for help.

Cira glances at Keith fighting the Gladiator and then to Lance, "What are you doing in there?" Her eyes were wide.

"I need help!" He yells hurriedly, "Because if you don't get me out of here right now, I'm going to be sucked out into space!" Then, he glances behind him when he sees the doors opening, "I'm getting sucked out into space!" Shrieking, Lance dives for the side of the room, barley able to grab something to hold onto before the heavy vacuum of space attempted to pull him out.

Cira moves towards the buttons on the wall and glances at Keith. He nods at her and she opens the airlock. Cira presses herself against the wall and then moves her head and arms out, "Lance!" Clinging to the side, she holds her hand out.

Keith pushes the Gladiator into the airlock and then he rushes on the wall beside Cira, panting heavily. The Gladiator shoots over Lance, spiraling out of the castle and out to space. Lance swings his arm out, missing at first, but managing to grasp Cira's fingers after a few attempts. Pulling him in, Cira slams the button of the airlock, sealing it shut. Lance was tucked into her arms and then they both fell backwards. Hitting the wall, both slide to the floor in one large heap, Cira in the middle of the two boys. Lance trembled from beside Cira. All of their chests puffed up and down as if gasping for air. Sweat trickles down Cira's face. What in the world was happening to the castle? Keith sighs and then turns to Lance, speaking with a raised voice, "What were you doing out there?"

"Who was that guy?" Lance remarks.

"He was trying to kill me!"

"Well, is he the castle? Because that's who's trying to kill me!" Lance pauses, "Wait a minute." He looks at Cira, who had been quiet the whole time. He narrows his eyes at her, "This was one of your pranks, wasn't it?"

Cira looks at him, "What?! Of course not!"

Lance crosses his arms, "I don't believe you!"

"Oh, really?" Cira leans forward, "If it was one of my pranks, then why would I try to prank myself?!"

"The castle tried to kill you, too?!"

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now