Chapter 035.

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Cira didn't know what she was doing. Her feet moved without her consent. Their small taps echoed throughout the hallway as they neared Keith's door. She rolled her eyes at herself. She was supposed to be mad at him. She wanted to be mad at him, but it was so hard when he walked around with his sad, puppy stare. And, not to mention, he was upset about something and she was worried. Arriving in front of his door, she froze. She takes a few breaths and then knocks, pressing the button for his door to open. She found him staring at his pillow in alarm. Cira gives him a weird look and then clears her throat to gain his attention. His head snaps towards her and she shifts her feet uncomfortably, "Hey..."

Seeing her, surprise crosses his face and he stands hurriedly, straightening his posture, "Hey!" She steps inside, immediately smelling the most disgusting stench. His room was foul. Keith looks around awkwardly, "W-What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here, because I do, but I thought—"

"—I just wanted to talk to you." She throws out an excuse. She wasn't lying. It had been days since she last spoke to him and being completely honest, she missed him.

"Okay." Keith crosses his arms, "What do you want to talk about?"

"How are you?" She inquires, almost blurting out the words.

"Fine." He raises an eyebrow, "Why? How are you?" Keith looks her over as if expecting something to be wrong.

"I'm just wondering." She shrugs.

"Oh, well, I-I'm fine." He repeats.


Still, she continued to press. "You seem down. Is something wrong?"

Keith shrugs, "I'm just tired."

She knew he was lying, but she didn't want to call him out on it. If he didn't want to tell her, then he didn't want to tell her. It's not like she was being completely honest with everyone at the moment, anyway. "Not sleeping well?" Her eyes held worry.

"Kind of, yeah." Keith sits on his bed, "You know, sleep is for the—"

"—weak." She finishes.

Keith looks up at her with surprise, "Yeah." He nods slowly, "I thought you weren't talking to me."

"I wasn't." Cira admits and pauses. She sits next to him and looks down at her hands, "Until I was...worried about you."

"You were worried about me?"

Cira turns to him, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine."

"All right, then." She stands from his bed and walks to his door. Her hand hits the button and she exits the room, but his call stops her, "Wait, Cira!" Her runs after her and follows behind her as she walks, "Do you think the Galra ever went to Earth? Is that possible? I mean, they would have taken it over, right?"

She stops. Why was he acting all weird? Cira turns to him, "Uh, I think you'd know if the Galra were there."

"The Blue Lion was there. Did a Galra pilot the Blue Lion, too?" Keith asks, his eyes begging to know. Cira didn't even get the chance to answer when the door from next to them opened and Lance jumped in the conversation. He wore his robe that covered his blue pajamas and a white face mask that covered his face. His Blue Lion slippers covered his feet and a towel sat on his head. His arms were crossed. He looked over to Keith in annoyance, "Hey, why are you asking about my lion? How many lions do you need?"

"What? No, I-I was just—"

"—Don't "What? No, I-I was just—" me!" Lance's finger finds Keith's chest, "You've had your eye on the Blue Lion from day one!" Lance pulls his finger back.

"Well, yeah." Keith deadpans, "It's the first one we found—"

"—Ah! Bah-bah-bah-bah!" Lance puts his hand in front of Keith's face and moves it like it was talking. He pulls it back, "The Blue Lion's with me and we're very happy together!" Lance backs away into his room, "Very happy!" The door closes.

Cira and Keith share a weird look. "Guys! Check this out!" Pidge's voice sounds through the radio. Lance's door opens again as he opens it in confusion.

Everyone met in the Green Lion's Bay to see Pidge with one of the spores hovering over some wires. Lance and Hunk lean down to it, staring at it confusedly. "Oh, oh!" Hunk becomes excited, "I've seen this experiment. But, question: Why do we need to get electricity from a potato?"


Pidge seemed to join in on Cira's confusion, "What? No, no. I was able to crack the "sporse code."" She chuckles at her own joke that Cira also, did not understand. Pidge turns to her laptop, "I ran the bioluminescent pattern through a variety of code-breaking sequences, including this homemade virtual Turing machine." She starts rambling, as usual, "Of course, I had to make a few tweaks to the original design, because, obviously, there have been several advancements since he designed it. Although, you have to admit," She continues on. Cira sighs roughly and pinches the bridge of her nose. She could barely stand there and be awake, let alone put up with Pidge's rambling about Turing or whatever that was. Not to mention, the constant nagging question that floated through her brain about Zarkon. "Turing was a shining light in the world of science in an age where far too many were still—"

"—Pidge!" The familiar voice of Keith snaps, making Pidge yelp in surprise. He leaned against the foot of the Green Lion, arms crossed and all. With a scowl, he turns to Pidge, "What does it say?"

"Oh, yeah." Pidge turns back to her laptop, reading off, ""Under attack. Galra. Help." And then, there are coordinates."

Cira moves beside Shiro, glancing at the glowing spore, "It's a distress signal. Good work, Pidge." She glances to Coran on the other side of Shiro, "Get those coordinates into the castle-ship's navigation system."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now