Chapter 026.

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Cira's footsteps were soft and even. She walked calmly to the entrance of the Galra ship. She wore the Galran uniform and helmet, which was really hard to see through. She didn't know how they Galra soldiers shot people, she could barely see what was in front of her. After coming across the obvious question of how they would get Shiro inside, they ended up stuffing him into a supply box. It was kind of funny watching him lay within the box and then have them dump a bunch of spare parts above him. She carried the box with ease, her feet letting off small taps as she neared the ship. Two Galra soldiers moved in front of her. One lifts his hand, "Halt."

Cira stops, her breath catching. The soldiers did not move. She glances to her left to see two sentries carrying two containers of a yellow substance. As they finally passed, the Galra soldier lowers his hand, "Move along."

Cira pushes the container past them and walks on board the ship, letting out a small breath of relief when she passed the soldiers. Eventually, she came to a point where no one was around and she opens the container, where she sees Shiro peek his head out. "We're in." She nods assuringly. Shiro stands and hops out, glancing up at Cira, "Good work."

Cira looks around to make sure no one is around, "We need to find an access point." Shiro looks around the hallway and gestures for her to follow him, "Come on. This way." He whispers and runs off, Cira close behind him.

They came to a corner and hid when they found Galra sentries patrolling the area. "Get back." Shiro whispers, pushing Cira behind him.

Cira smacks his hand away, whispering back, "I don't need help."

Shiro peeks his head out to see in the giant hallway it is filled with the sentries. The two duck when one passes by. Cira glances at Shiro worriedly when he gasps and groans from beside her. He was looking down, sweat falling from his head. "Shiro," Cira whispers worriedly, "are you all right?"

He opens his eyes to look at her, whispering back, "I just remembered how I escaped from the Galra prison ship. Listen, most of the ship's personnel are sentries."


"When I was a prisoner, I timed their pattern."

"Do you remember it?"

"Let's find out."

Shiro stands and takes her by the hand, leading her through the halls. He waited a few ticks and they began to move quickly through the halls. It seemed that he did remember the pattern because the two did not encounter any Galra sentries. They hid behind a corner to wait for a patrol to pass by to finally arrive at a room. When Cira peeks inside, she sees two Galra sentries working on a control panel. Cira sneaks behind them and destroys one of them. The other one turns around to her and she darts forward, throwing her arm forward and through the chest of the sentry. Shiro walks in with an impressed look, "Lance wasn't lying when he said you don't need a weapon." He steps towards the control panel, "We only have a few minutes before the next patrol comes by. Watch the door."

"Got it." Cira nods and runs towards the door, standing in front of it, and tries not to look too obvious.

Shiro's voice sounds from behind her, "Okay, Pidge, start the download."

Pidge's voice sounds through their radios, "Generating access code." After a few ticks, Pidge cracked the firewall, "We're in."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now