Chapter 033.

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"I knew he cannot be trusted!" Allura exclaims from the teludav when Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, and Keith appeared on the screen in front of them. Keith was flying them back to the castle.

"It wasn't him!" Shiro remarks.

"How can you be sure?" Allura yells furiously. She was scanning them over with her eyes, looking for even the slightest scratch on their skin.

"It doesn't matter now." Cira exclaims in annoyance.

Coran turns around to Allura, "Princess, what should we do?"

Hunk looks at Pidge, Keith, and Shiro, "Why can't we hide here in the space clam and wait for it to go away?"

"That's," Cira points at him, "actually a good idea."

"All right," Shiro glances at Hunk, "everyone get to your lions, but don't don't launch. We'll wait to see what this thing does. I don't want to risk fighting it if we don't have to."

The Paladins did as they were told, getting into their lions, but waiting for the beast to approach. "We should be safe as long as we're hidden in the space pocket." Pidge explains through the radio. The beast opens it's enormous mouth and begins to suck in the xanthorium clusters into itself. Coran's eyes widen, "It's drawing in the xanthorium clusters!"

It had sucked in a big chunk of the crystals that lied just outside and suddenly fired a red beam at the other clusters creating multiple explosions. Hunk's voice held panic, "I think he knows we're here."

"Hold." Shiro's voice sounds from the radio.

The beast sucked in more of the clusters and fired again, but this time it's beam actually hit the castle. "Direct hit!" Coran exclaims, "He definitely knows we're here!"

"Get the particle barrier up!" Allura yells.

The particle barrier forms around the castle just as the beast runs out of power and begins the process over again. "He's readying another attack!" Coran remarks. Suddenly, the force of the suction started to move the castle.

Cira looks at Allura with alarm, "He's pulling us in, as well!"

"Paladins, I think it's time to launch!" She struggles to move the castle in the opposite direction of the beast.

"Form Voltron!"

The lions launch out of their hangars and immediately form Voltron. Once they had transformed, Voltron flies out of the space pocket finally revealing itself to the robot beast. Keith swings his arm back and punches the beast in the face causing it to shoot upward. The space pocket malfunctions and it soon reveals the castle and the Blade of Marmora base. "We're exposed!" Allura exclaims, "The space fold has been lowered!"

Ulaz apparently left the battle. Not that Cira figured Ulaz could do much with his little ship anyway, so she didn't care. "Well, there goes Ulaz." Coran watches as Ulaz's ship escapes while Voltron battles the beast.

"I knew we should never trust a Galra!" Allura growls and Cira winces and looks down.

"I don't blame him, look at that thing." Cira gestures to the beast.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now