Chapter 052.

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"We've gotta act fast." Shiro said through the comms, "The power will only be down for 20 minutes. The Blade of Marmora's schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the shield generators, and the Bridge. Now, let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all." He instructed.

"Yeah!" The rest of the Paladins replied enthusiastically. They then formed Voltron's sword and began attacking said points of the ship.

"Hit the engine systems!" Shiro commanded and they all slashed said systems.

Meanwhile, on the Castle of Lions, Allura, who was slumped over the controls with Cira by her side, watched, along with her sister, royal advisor, and the Blade of Marmora members currently aboard.

"We've don't it. This shall be the end of Zarkon's reign." Allura said slightly tired from the amount of quintessence that she used for the wormhole jump.

"Yes, Princess." Coran agreed as they continued to watch Voltron continue to dismantle the ship.

Just as the Paladins were about to strike the Bridge, a dark ball of energy formed from the ship and hit Voltron dead on. The Paladins all screamed as they were hit and Voltron was being drained of its power. The rest looked on in horror.

"Paladins! Can you hear me?!" Cira asked worriedly, but all they received was static. She turned to Kolivan. "I thought the virus shut down all of Zarkon's power!" She said rather angrily.

"That blast was not from the ship's weapons." Allura spoke and Cira turned to her, "It was magic." She added looking at Kolivan.

"It must have been the komar." The Blade leader replied, "Zarkon has been trying to develop a device to extract the quintessence from planets. It appears that he has succeeded." The Galra explained.

"If it destroys planets, what did it do to the Paladins?" Coran asks worriedly.

Said Paladins were all knocked out from the blast. The komar weapon had also drained their energy as well as Voltron's. Currently they were all unconscious in their Lions, floating as the artificial gravity was off.

"Paladins! Shiro! Can you hear me?" Cira called through the comms, but received no answer. The rest aboard the ship all looked worried.

And as if things couldn't get any worse, from Zarkon's ship emerged something, something huge and terrifying. A giant mechanical creature the size of Voltron and made from Galra technology, in Zarkon's image.

"Zarkon." She said breathless, "We need to buy the Paladins time. Get us in closer. Divert all power to our weapons." She instructed.

"What? But Princess, we'll be defenseless!" Coran retaliated.

"It's the only way." She said very sure, and they headed straight for the mechanical monster as it was approaching Voltron, "Listen, Paladins, there's still a way! You are all now true Paladins! You just need to reach within and connect directly to your Lions, and each other! I know you can do it! Fight! This cannot end now!" She told the still unconscious Paladins as the weapons on the Castle were charged up and ready to go.

"Fire!" She commanded and they fired the laser right at Zarkon. However, the mechanical armor was able to not only block the laser, though it did manage to push him into the ship's side, it also redirected it right back at the castle, hitting it and causing all on it to cry out. With the castle out of the way, Zarkon turned his attention back to Voltron as he summined a blade. Finally, Voltron would be his again.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now