Chapter 020.

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"Hey, Allura." Cira smiles as she enters her sister's bedroom. Sitting up a little in her bed, Allura gave her a weak and exhausted smile, "Cira."

Cira tiptoes in, carefully holding a bowl of soup in her hands, "Coran made you some soup." She smiles, "It's your favorite."

"Ooh!" Allura attempts to squeal, "How wonderful." She claps a little. It is delicate and slow, as if the action is draining her. Cira rushes to her bed. Allura doing what she did to save the Balmera had pushed her past her limits, leaving her almost at the brink of death. Cira couldn't even imagine how tired she must be.

"Here." She sits on the edge of her bed, gently placing the bowl on her lap. Allura offers her a smile and grabs the bowl, taking slow and delicate sips. Three days had passed since their mission to the Balmera. Allura had been resting every day since their skirmish, under the orders of Coran, of course. Allura was not happy with them at all. Any moment she was alone you could bet she would try to sneak out of her room, and would eventually end up caught.

"I understand that I need to rest." Allura says in-between sips, "But I don't need a babysitter."

Cira chuckles, "Well, apparently you do, because we can't leave you alone without you trying to leave, so."

"That's because I'm tired of resting. I've been resting for three days, Cira. I just want to continue our fight against Zarkon." Even just saying his name seemed to brighten the determined spark in her eyes.

"You will," Cira places her hand on Allura's wrist, "but you need to rest first. You can't do much if you make your condition worse."

"I suppose you are right..." Allura sniffs a bit. Cira stands and walks to the door, "I'll be back to check on you soon."

It was convenient that everyone was awakened by Hunk's giant yell that morning anyway, seeing as Coran called everyone except Allura into the Detainment Room where Sendak was being held in a cryo-pod.

Everyone was there. Shiro, Keith, Pidge, a fully dressed Lance, and Hunk, who's teeth were still neon green. Cira walks in just as Lance groans, "Ugh. I don't like this."

"None of us do." Shiro agrees, "But we don't have any other options right now."

"Yeah, I know..." Lance scratches the back of his neck, not comfortable with being around Sendak, asleep or not. Especially after everything they went through because of him.

But they had decided that with no other plan or strategy to take down Zarkon, they would need some information. With no allies to get the information from, they would have to look to one of Zarkon's top commanders—Sendak.

Coran places a device on Sendak's cryo-pod, "Okay, guys, Sendak's almost all hooked up. But, look," Coran turns around to them after connecting another device to an empty cryo-pod next to Sendak, "I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep Altean memories alive, not to interrogate prisoners." His tone was nervous.

"Coran, we understand this isn't what the technology was meant for, but if we can extract Sendak's memories, we may gain valuable intelligence on Zarkon's troop locations." Shiro explains. He seemed the most eager out of everyone to get the information, everyone else looked tired and they had every right to. I mean, they were all woke up by Hunk's yell this morning and it was all Cira's fault.

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