Chapter 037.

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The moment Zarkon's ship left hyper-speed, that was what coursed through Cira. Her body felt numb, her feet frozen, her eyes wide, staring at his ship. Everything and everyone around her drained out and all she could see was him. She couldn't speak. She couldn't move. She couldn't even think.

"Cira!" Cira jumps when Shiro snapped at her. She looks at him with a startle. He was turned around to her. It appears he said something, but she didn't know what. Her voice came out in a whisper, "What?"

"Help Keith, Lance and I lay down some covering fire." He repeats hurriedly.

Cira sits up, "Y-Yeah, of course." Two small controls come up from the seat, and Cira takes them into her hands, watching a small, dark purple sphere looking robot appear towards the back of the castle. Pressing down on the fire button, she bites her lip in concentration. Moving along with her were Keith, Lance, and Shiro.

"Lance, incoming, 12 o'clock high!" Pidge yells.

"On it!" He takes out the last fighter in front of him, then turns to attack the small group coming close. He was just about to fire when Keith shot in front of him, taking them out for him. Gawking at his screen, he yelled, "Hey!"

"Sorry! Gotta be quick!"

Lance bumps his robot against Keith's, "How's that for quick?"

"You..." Keith growls and both of their robots start hitting each other.

"Knock it off, you two! Stay in your zones!" Shiro barks at them.

"Yeah, Keith!" Lance exclaims.

Shiro ignores him, "Keep calling out those fighters, Pidge. Hunk, how are the defenses holding?"

Behind him, Hunk rubs his eyes, jumping a little when Shiro asked for the status of the shields, "I don't know." He leans down to it, "Ten percent? Fifteen maybe? Everything's a blur. I-I've been up too long. I have tired eyes!"

"I know we just came off a tough battle," Shiro agrees, "but we've got to stay focused, just until we jump."

"And when is that?!" Keith yells out when the castle gets hit again.

"They're still too close!" Coran explains, making a little noise of shock when Allura suddenly turned the castle to the left. Leaning in the direction of the turn, he grunts, "We need to gain more speed!"

"I've got an idea! Hold on!" Allura increases the speed enough to startle them, shooting towards a nearby moon. Cira struggles to hold onto the blaster handles as she is pushed to the back of her seat by the speed.

"Allura, what are you doing?" Pidge demands as she saw the moon coming closer and closer.

"I'm going to use this moon's gravity to gain speed and put some distance between us and Zarkon!" She explains, turning the ship to follow the moon's gravitational pull.

Cira snags the arms of her chair, holding on tight as her body lurched to the side. The team did the same, gritting their teeth as they speed up. Coran glances at Allura through his peripheral vision, his legs quivering to stand up straight. His voice trembles, "W-We're clear to wormhole!"

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