Chapter 010.

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At nightfall of the same day, Cira and Allura opened the castle doors to all Arusians and had a celebration for the victory of Voltron against the giant monster. As the King of the Arusians wished, the Arusians performed a play of the battle, narrated by himself, of course.

"The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!" The King announces and then the four tiny Arusians standing on a bigger Arusian, acting as Voltron, fall to the ground. "No. I said, "Voltron was victorious!"" The King repeats and then the tiny Arusian on the bigger Arusian, acting as the giant monster, fall to the ground, defeated.

The Arusians lift their drinks and cheer. Allura, who stands beside Cira on the top of the stairs, moves towards the King, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for that wonderful production." Allura cringes and then looks at the Arusians below, "It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the universe." Allura turns towards the King, "Your Highness, please accept this gift."

Cira moves forward and moves her hands out towards the King with a communicator in them. He takes it and Allura continues, "This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help." The King looks at it and then smiles at her, "Arus will be the first planet in the Voltron Alliance."

The King turns and lifts the communicator in the air with a yell, "Hoorah!" The Arusians lift their drinks and cheer again.

Everyone begins to mingle, so after saying hello to a few happy Arusians, Cira moves outside. She moves over to the ledge and leans her elbows on the railing. She looks down at the cup in her hands filled with Nunvill and then takes a drink. Her eyes begin to widen and she squeezes her eyes and forces herself to gulp it down and not spit it out like she wanted to. Cira sighs and then looks around at the sky where she saw the stars and the large full moon.

"Why are you out here?"

Cira jumps and then turns around to see Shiro, looking at her with a smile. She sighs and then turns back to looking at the sky, "'Cause it's better." She glances at him, "I haven't been out here when it's dark." She looks back to the sky and a smile forms, "It's beautiful."

"Do you want to..." He trails off and scoots back, gesturing, "walk with me? I'm just doing a perimeter check."

"Sure." She shrugs and walks beside him.

Cira glances down at the Nunvill in her cup, "The Nunvill is good." She gestures her cup towards him, "You should try it."

"Really?" Shiro takes it and stops walking so he can take a drink. He takes a drink of the Nunvill and then his eyes widen. He turns his head away from Cira and spits it out, gagging occasionally. Cira takes back the cup, "Good, right?"

She continues to walk and Shiro wipes his mouth with his sleeve and catches up to her, "You're horrible." Cira chuckles and Shiro looks at her, "You think it's funny? My mouth is offended." She begins to laugh harder, "I'm going to get you back."

"Good luck." Cira speaks with sarcasm, "I'm the pro. No one's ever got me."

He glances at her, "There's a first time for everything."


Cira and Shiro stop walking and turn around to see Pidge walking up, "I need to talk to you." Pidge glances at Cira and adds, "Alone."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now