Chapter 029.

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"They've vanished through the temporal rift!" Allura yells. Her face held shock and fear, as did Cira's, and Coran's. The lions were gone and they were stuck in the wormhole.
What were they going to do?

What could they do?

"The lions are gone!"

Cira's attention goes to Coran while he presses buttons left and right, "Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is taking us."

"Look!" Cira yells, staring fearfully at the end of the wormhole, "There's something on the other end. We're heading right towards it!"

"Scanners show that there's no exit." Coran informs, fear evident in his voice, "It's just nothingness." He turns around to Allura, "Find an exit before we run smack into the void!"

Allura begins typing, "I can't. I've lost control of the castle."

"Brace yourself!" Cira yells, holding onto her chair, "We're about to hit it!" Allura squeezes her eyes shut when they hit the void.

Nothing happened.

"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is taking us." Coran's voice repeats.

Allura pauses and peeks one of her eyes open only to see that they were okay. She blinks for a moment and then looks around, "Cira, Coran, we're okay!"

"What are you talking about?" Cira turns to her, "We've lost all the lions!"

Allura looks at Coran and Cira in confusion, "We've just smashed into a black void. Don't you guys remember?" Allura looks at one of the mice that sits on her shoulder and then gasps. It transformed. The mouse was different. It took the shape of a squirrel. "What happened to the mice? They've transformed." Allura looks at Cira in confusion and then gasps when Cira turns to her. Her hair was down. She looked younger, like a teenager. Allura gasps, "And why do you look different?" Allura looks at Coran to see his long hair pulled back into a ponytail, "Coran?"

"Why are you looking at us like that?" Cira crosses her arms, scowling at Allura.

Coran begins to panic. He twists his mustache, "Do I have a boogie stuck in my mustache again?"

"No." Allura pales, "You guys look younger."

The castle shakes, making Cira lose balance and fall to her knees with a grunt. She stands with a groan, "I'm so done with this." She looks at Coran, "Can we get out of here already?"

Coran turns to the void with wide eyes, "Scanner's show that there's no exit. It's just nothingness!"

"You said that already!" Allura yells in annoyance.

Coran turns around to look at her, "Find an exit before we run smack into the void!"

Allura starts typing, "I'm entering coordinates to get us out of here." Her screen flickers red as if saying, "Error." "The castle won't accept an end point."

"Just enter any coordinates!" Coran yells.

"I tried, but the system is locked." Allura continues typing, "I can't get a signal out or receive a signal in." Allura gasps when the void comes closer.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now