Chapter 050.

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The defenses were running at full power and the five Paladins had no time to coordinate and were on their own in the open space, which was quickly growing smaller, laced with numerous lasers that locked on to the Lion's position if they stood in one spot for to long.

"Cira, this isn't fair! We can't stop the attack without firing back and damaging the castle!" Lance yelled over the intercom.

"If you move fast enough, you don't need to damage the castle." Keith commented.

"No offense, Keith, but my Lion doesn't do fast." Hunk said, as a laser struck his hind leg. He hoped to help defuse the situation, but it had the opposite effect.

"Maybe for the Yellow Lion, but Lance's only excuse is he's too reckless."

"Well you're too..." Lance paused, "...temperamental."

"Wow, I'm impressed that's a big word for you."

"That's enough, both of you!" Shiro said on the intercom. Hunk felt the heavy weight of the Black Lion jump on the Yellow Lion's head, pushing Hunk out of the way of an approaching laser.

"Thanks, Shiro."

"We need to focus, the only way we can avoid all the lasers is by using our Lion's individual strengths to work together."

Hunk nose dived out of the way of another laser and saw the Red Lion weave through the lasers until he collided head-on with the Blue Lion.

"Watch it, Lance!"

"You hit me, mullet."

"Ugh, can you two shut up?" Pidge spiraled around a pattern of lasers coming up along the right side of the castle.

"Keith, what's going on?" Shiro questioned.

"Yeah, you're more irritable than usual." Lance said, flying in the opposite direction as Keith over the castle.

"Not helping, Lance. Keith, is this about earlier?"

"You want to do this now?" Keith said, doing a loop and turning right.

Hunk swung left and did another dive, crossing Pidge and the Green Lion underneath the castle.

"I told you to worry about yourself, Shiro."

"I can't it's my job to worry about my team."

"I worry all the time." Hunk butted in, "What are we worrying about?"

"Nothing!" Keith darted under the castle and up the right side as he rolled to the left because another laser targeted him, "Shiro, you promised me."

"I know what I promised, but that was before I started having visions, too."

The Red Lion stopped maneuvering and Hunk sped towards him and head-butted the Red Lion as a laser approached from behind. "Look out!" Hunk took a hit on the Yellow Lion's back, but the extra armor protected him.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now