Chapter 039.

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Zarkon was in wait above, fighters already flooding out from the large ship. Cira's body ran cold, eventually falling numb as she mumbled breathless, "H-How?"

"Okay," Pidge's voice shakes, "I don't know how he found us, but it definitely wasn't with normal instruments."

A haunting feeling settled itself in Cira's stomach. It was her. She knew it. Apparently, Allura felt the same way when she lowered her gaze with a gasp, "It's me."

"What?!" Cira blurts, her head whipping towards Allura.

"That can't be." Lance disagrees.

"It's been me all along." Allura ignores the two, "That's how they found us on planet Arus."

Cira groans when the castle shakes. She looks out the window to see Galra fighters approaching fast. They needed a plan of action. Shiro stands quickly, "It doesn't matter, Princess. We're in this together. We're gonna get out together."

Shiro's words proved even more that Cira could tell him. He wouldn't hate her. Would he?

"Uh, how?" Hunk squeaks, motioning upward to the fast approaching Galra fighters and, not to mention, Zarkon's Central Command blocking their exit, "We're trapped."

Shiro turns away from them, "We need to form Voltron and go through the storm."


"What?!" Cira exclaims, her hands hitting the armrest in alarm. That was crazy. That was stupid. That was what she wanted to avoid. The others seemed to agree with her.

Lance leaps to his feet, "The storm? What are you, nuts?"

Hunk jumps to his feet in protest, "Yeah!" He stammers, "What do you mean? Yeah, why would we do that?"

Cira and Keith were now standing, as well. Although, the latter did not agree, he did not voice his opinion like the others. Shiro turns around to them, "It's risky, I know, but it's our only chance. We have to go through the storm, then lure Zarkon's ship away, giving Allura some time to get into open space."

"Then what?" Cira's tone highly disagreed with what he suggested.

"Then, we wormhole away."

"And what happens when he finds us again?" Cira attempts to find the flaw in his plan, "What then?"

"One problem at a time." While Shiro turns around to Coran, Cira huffs, "Coran, remember how you said getting this castle to wormhole is impossible? Well, I need you to do the impossible."

"We're gonna die." Lance concludes weakly, realizing Shiro was completely serious, "Fun."

"We can do this." Shiro assures them and immediately each of the Paladins left to suit up. The lions fly out of their bays and form into Voltron. Voltron makes an immediate right turn into he storm where all of the fighters follow. It was now clear up ahead. The only thing blocking their path sent chills up Cira's spine.

Zarkon's Command Center.

"How's it coming, Coran?" Allura calls out.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now