Chapter 040.

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It was the same day. None had slept yet. After finally escaping from Zarkon, the Paladins changed into their clothes and all met on the Bridge. What did Allura mean when she said "it was her?" To Cira, that made literally zero sense. "All right, team," Shiro strolls in before them when they get to the Bridge of the ship. He stands tall, "we need to figure out our next plan of action."

Hunk groans, "Can't we do that tomorrow? I can barely stand."

Shiro turns to him, "It's important that we have a plan for when Zarkon does attack, which could happen at any minute. We need to be prepared."

Pidge agrees, "And we still have to figure out how Zarkon is tracking us."

"We already know how." Allura sighs, "It was me."

"I don't think so." Pidge crosses her arms, "Besides, given your reason, he could be tracking us through Cira or Coran. You're not the only one who woke up on Arus." Cira flinched a little when her name was mentioned, but sighed in relief when Pidge mentioned Coran, too.

Allura sits down on her platform and Cira and the others, except Keith huddle around her. Keith stands to the side and leans on his chair, his arms crossed in front of him. He listened grudgingly to the current conversation.

"You have a point, but he also showed up after we showed up, so it could be us for all we know." Lance tells her.

Allura gives him a long look, "How would Zarkon be able to track humans?"

"How would Zarkon be able to track Alteans?" Lance counters.

"I don't know, but he is!"

"And I say he isn't!"

"It's not you, Princess Allura." Everyone turns around to Keith when he speaks, "It's me."

Hunk motions for Keith to carry on, "Because?"

Keith blinks, eyes wide when he realizes they wanted some solid facts for his accusation, "I just think, I mean, Zarkon must've imprinted on me during our fight or something."

Knowing that he was just reaching for something here, but still not understanding why Keith would even think for a second that Zarkon was tracking him, Cira raises her eyebrow, "Imprinted?" She didn't believe that for a tick.

"Y-Yeah." Keith nods.

"Keith, I don't-I don't think that's how imprinting works."

"How would you know?"

"Because you didn't even touch Zarkon!" She exclaims, "You were in your lion the whole time!"

"That doesn't mean he didn't do it!"

"Then, wouldn't he have imprinted on Red, not you?" Hunk asks.

"He didn't imprint on Red."

"Then, obviously he didn't imprint on you, either!" Cira remarks.

"Okay, shut up!" Pidge stops the argument, "The fact is, we don't know how Zarkon is tracking us. It could be through the Black Lion. Every time Zarkon gets close to it, Shiro has to fight him for control."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now