Chapter 043.

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"Okay, look." Shiro continues after telling the group that Zarkon was tracking them through the Black Lion, "I now know for certain that Zarkon is tracking us through the Black Lion. We have to find some way to stop him."

Pidge asks the obvious question, "How are we gonna do that?"

"We've never had this situation before." Everyone looks at Allura when she speaks, "Two Paladins battling for the same lion."

"Well, unless we want Zarkon taking control of Voltron every time we get close—I'll have to form a new bond with my lion." Shiro looks down, "One that's stronger than his."

Coran points out another problem, "Well, while you're working on that, the rest of us need to find some new teludav lenses, otherwise we won't be able to travel via wormhole."

Hunk places his hand on his chin, "Is that something we have to mail order?"

"Does anyone even make those anymore?" Keith asks.

Allura sighs, "I don't know. Only a few Alteans could use the teludav 10,000 years ago. They may not exist anymore."

Coran pulls on his mustache in thought, then his eyes snap open suggesting he has an idea, "I think I may know where we can get some." He eagerly prances to the control panel and taps on it, making images appear on the large screen in front of everyone. On the left of the screen were images of some goblin-like humanoids with four arms. On the right was an image of young Coran and a smiling King Alfor standing in the background. "Coran!" Cira crosses her arms, "You're not suggesting going to one of those disgusting swap moons!" She narrows her eyes in remembrance, "The last time you went those space pirates took you for everything you had."

"Space pirates?" Lance questions.

"The Unilu were traders and pirates that roamed the galaxies and dealt in black market goods." Coran explains, "Umvy spice, by-tor water, little bottles of infinity vapor. Of course, you had to bargain. No one could bargain like the Unilu." A slight chuckle escapes his lips, "Last time, I ended up giving away three quarters of my shipment of lango in exchange for a used pogo oscillator." He turns around to look at Allura and Cira in remembrance, whacking himself in the head at the memory. Allura laughs with him, but Cira simply rolls her eyes.

"Father was not pleased about that." Allura smiles.

"Well," Lance slides over to Cira and Allura with a smirk, "while Coran is picking up his lenses, I'll take you girls shopping for something sparkly."

Cira glances at Lance next to her, "I don't like sparkles."

"This isn't shopping!" Coran jumps in-between Lance and Cira, who had Allura behind her, "You're not wandering around saying, "Ooh! What a lovely pink hat! This is so becoming."" Coran's voice sounds girly for a tick. He crosses his arms into an 'x' form, "No! I cannot allow Cira and Allura to get anywhere near those filthy, lowballing Unilu hoodlums."

"But I'd love something sparkly!" Allura's eyes sparkle at the thought and she grins widely, looking at Coran with her best pleading face.

"Look," Coran uncrosses his arms, "you're the only one who can operate the castle. You need to be resting, after all you've been through." He turns and walks away leaving Allura to pout, "Now, let's ready a pod for our mission. We need to get in," Coran turns around to everyone, "find the scaultrite lenses, and just get out."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now