Chapter 018.

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Cira sighs deeply, leaning against Coran's control console after Allura had just left to grab her pod and go down to the surface where the dangerous monster was.

Shiro's voice sounded through the radio, speaking to Allura, "Princess, we've lured the monster away. It's time."

"I'll contact you all when I'm on the ground." Allura tells them.

"Be careful out there." Cira responds, watching worriedly as she sees her pod fly out from the castle and to the planet below.

About a minute later, Allura's voice informs everyone, "I'm on the ground."

Cira takes a temporary sigh of relief, and listens as Shiro responds, "Hurry! I don't know how long we can hold this thing off."

Moments later, Allura begins her speech to the Balmerans, "Balmerans, this is Princess Allura. You don't know me, but I am here to help. I know what it's like to watch your home planet die. For I come from planet Altea, a planet that has long been destroyed by the Galra. But I refused to give up. And now, you all have the same choice. You can decide now to devote your lives to making sure this never happens to another planet. I am eternally sorry for what has happened to the Balmera, but I beg you, do not let it's dying be in vain. Honor the Balmera's death by refusing to give up. Join me in my fight against the Galra."

Cira smiles and looks down. This was it. She was grown up. In this moment, Cira felt so proud of Allura. She was a leader, just like father, while Cira was just a warrior. Cira saw so much of her father in Allura and so little of him in her, and it only made her more proud when she saw Allura finishing in what he started, ending the Galra Empire.

Cira lifts her head and looks at the hologram of the tunnels underneath the Balmera to see that all the Balmerans were heading up to the surface. "Princess, your speech must have worked." Coran informs happily, "The Balmerans are moving towards the surface!"

"Coran," Allura responds, "we're just beneath the surface. Triangulate my position. This is your landing zone."

Coran presses a few buttons, "Yes, Allura. Readying ship." Cira places her hand on Coran's arm, "I'll go ready the pod!" She runs off the bridge and through the castle at a fast speed while she hears Coran speak through her radio, "Castle of Lions, coming in! Paladins, how are you holding up?"

Cira makes a right while Keith answers, "I think we've got him pretty distracted. Are the Balmerans in position?"

"They're making their way to the top." Allura answers while Cira turns left. She runs inside the Flight Pod Bay, her feet almost smoking. When Coran lands the castle, Cira hits her hand against a button before rushing inside the pod. The bay doors slowly begin to open while she flips switches and presses buttons all in the blink of an eye. She sits down in the chair and flies the pod out of the Flight Pod Bay and down to the surface below. She stands quickly and opens the door, stepping out only to gesture for the Balmerans, "Bring them out! Hurry!"

Cira finds the Balmerans climbing the ladder one-by-one to get to the top of the pit. Allura was already at the top, too. The Balmerans already on the top began to run towards the pod, but stopped as the Balmera began to rumble. Everyone turns around to the pit to see a few Balmerans trapped beneath rubble and the ground splitting the pit in half. They would not make it to the top. "No!" Allura yells, looking down at the people trapped below.

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