Chapter 012.

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After Pidge was discovered by Sendak, Shiro began to wake. He groaned from where he laid on the ground and then sat up the best he could with his hands bound behind him. He groans weakly again and glances at Cira. He stares at her for a moment, "Are you okay?"

Cira lifts her head tiredly and looks at him and then nods. She had been sitting there overnight, in captivity, no food, no water, and no sleep. She was about to just fall over exhausted. Shiro's gaze shifts over to the unconscious Lance on his right. His condition seemed to have gotten worse, a cold sweat running across his forehead. He needed help and soon. Inching over to him, Shiro turned to press his hand to his forehead. As he suspected, Lance had gotten a fever. He prayed it wasn't over an infection. "How is he?" Cira whispers weakly.

"Not good." Shiro answers, glaring at Sendak and gritting his teeth together. "Haxus!" A yell from Sendak catches their attention, "I want whoever's in this ship found and terminated!"

"Commander Sendak," Haxus glances at him, "I've received a transmission generating from somewhere inside."

"There's not much time before they get the ship running again." Allura's voice sounds through the bridge, snapping Cira wide awake at the sound of her sister's voice, "You must shut off the particle barrier so we can get in."

"You got it. Tell me what to do." Pidge responds.

Allura continues to talk about the particle barrier generator and where it is. Haxus turns to Sendak, "She's telling the intruder how to take down our defenses."

"Yes," Sendak looks at him, "but she's also giving away his location." Sendak looks at the four droid sentries standing behind Cira, Shiro, and the still unconscious Lance, "Find that room. Kill the Paladin." The sentries obey and leave. Sendak looks back to Haxus, "Repair the engine. Emperor Zarkon has commanded us to bring him Voltron and the princess. This ship will rise before day's end."

After Haxus had left to repair the engine, and after it was repaired, he spoke over the radio to Sendak, "Powering sub panels."

"Sub panel energy transducer is go." Sendak responds, pressing buttons on the control panel.

"Aye, sir. Opening pathway to link with bridge. Initializing main cluster reboot." Haxus pauses, "Initializing complete. I'm set for main power up."

"The bridge is go."

"Powering up." Haxus pauses again, "Sir, something is wrong." Suddenly, static sounds from over the radio. "Haxus?" Sendak calls out, "Haxus, do you copy?" Sendak begins to press a few buttons and then finally reestablishes the connection, "Haxus, report in."

"Haxus is gone, and you're next!" Pidge's angry voice sounds through the radio.

"You've slowed me down, but this ship is mine!" Sendak hisses, "You will turn yourself over to me immediately!"


Sendak turns and moves towards Shiro, "Well, then, maybe your leader can convince you."

Shiro lifts his head weakly and glares up at Sendak, "What do you want?"

Sendak grabs him by the collar. Cira looks up at Shiro worriedly as Sendak brings his arm back with a smirk, "You're friend wanted to hear from you."

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